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(Nobody's POV)
"So,Lina do you want to go get some ice cream",Luke asked Lina."Are you asking me on a date?",she says with a playful smile."We're already dating",Luke said while smiling."Touché Hemmings",Lina says.Lina stands up and so does Luke.They both put on their jackets and walk towards the door."My lady" Luke said while opening the front door."Thanks,Prince Charming",Lina said back.They both start walking the path to the ice cream shop."So what time do you have to be home",Luke asks Lina."Not a certain time,Why?",Lina asked."Oh no reason",Luke says with a mischievous glint in his eyes."Luke",Lina drags out his name and eyes him suspiciously.At that Luke took of running very fast into the woods."Seriously,not again",Lina says while running after him.Lina started running on all fours and followings Luke's scent.When she smelt him nearby she stood back onto two legs.Lina Now stood in front of the Hale house.It was still burnt down."Luke",Lina yells loudly.Lina turns her head at the sound of twigs snapping.Lina brings out her claws,but quickly retracted them realizing the twig snapper was Lydia."Lina,what are you doing here?",Lydia asked."You know just.....ummmmmm hanging out",Lima says unsure."Oh really! Why did you yell 'Luke'?",Lydia says smugly while stepping closer to her."I was looking for... ",Lina says stalling."Your boyfriend",Lydia says while smirking."I don't have a boyfriend",Lina says very nervously."There you are babe,I was looking for you everywhere",Luke says coming out of a circle of trees.Luke runs to Lina and gives her a hug.Once they pull away Luke looks at Lydia and back at Lina with a questioning look."Hi I'm Lydia and you must be Luke",She says while smiling at Luke in which he returned."Right,so Lydia we have to go but I will call you later and tell you everything",Lina says ending the moment."Wait,Lydia,Why are you in the woods by yourself?",Luke asked."I'm actually waiting on a friend",Lydia replied."Well,we'll wait with you right Lina",Luke says looking at Lina."Yes,I don't want you getting hurt",Lina says in agreement."Hey Lina,Can I talk with you for a second?",Lydia asked."Sure",Lina says.They both walk up the steps if the Hale house and stands on the burnt,slightly unstable porch."I'll just be down here",Luke says from the bottom of the steps."So,How long are you going to keep this relationship a secret?",Lydia says getting right to the point."Until I figure out how to tell him",Lina says."The longer you keep the secret,the more it will hurt him",Lydia says."I know,I know I just don't want to tell him,because I don't know how to control it or I don't know what I am.So how do I know I'm not going to hurt him.It wasn't even a full moon and I shifted so how am I going to be on the full moon?",Lina says sadly."You know Scott was in the same situation",Lydia says."He was",Lina says confused."You should talk to Scott",Lydia says patting Lina's back

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