If this room was burning

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(Scott's POV)
Me and the pack were all sitting in my living room.We were all taking turns,trying to get Lina to talk about the dread doctors but she wouldn't talk to us.I thought she would at least talk to Malia because they're both supposed to be werecoyotes,but I don't think Lina is because she had blue spotted skin.I'm pretty sure were-.My thoughts were interrupted by Lydia coming downstairs from trying to help Lina."Guys I got something",Lydia says coming downstairs.We all jump out of our seats to see Lydia holding her phone in her hand."What?",I say walking over to her as calm is possible."When I asked her something,she only responded by saying this"Lydia says pressing play on her phone.It was Lina speaking in a foreign language.Lydia stopped the video."I translated it" Lydia says."What does it say?" Kira asked."It says:they're coming for us,they're here,We're all going to die",Lydia answered."Did she say anything else?",Malia asked.
"No,but I told her to go to sleep and she kept staring at the left corner of the room",Lydia answered."She needs some sleep",Theo mumbled."I wondered why she kept staring at the corner?",Lydia said. "Maybe she has some deep obsession with corners",Stiles said."Really Stiles",I said."What she really likes corners?It could happ-"."Maybe in the morning, she'll willing to to talk",Derek interrupted him."Yeah,maybe she won't be a crazy little blue werewolf trying to kill me",Stiles said.We all looked at him."She wasn't trying to kill you,Proably just mame you",Liam said.Stiles just looked at him."Does anyone smell fire,like something burning",Theo said."Last time you said that, I was almost burned alive",Stiles said.
(Lina's POV)
I feel really hot,like on fire.I looked down at my fingers to see that they're turning a bright fiery red.Then I hear crying,like weeping.I look over into the darkest corner of my room and see a woman. I then recognize her as my mother.I get out of my bed and the more I walk towards the corner the hotter I feel.I look down at my fingertips which are now on fire,my hands are on fire but not burning.I look back up into the corner and start walking to it,but the more I walk the futher it goes."Mom",I yell.The woman stopped crying and turned around.My eyes scan her slowly until I stop at her hands,her bloody hands are holding a baby.I kept walking but suddenly my whole body caught on fire.In a flash My mom was in front of but she wasn't my mom it was me.I was clawing at the baby."Stop Lina,stop"My mom appeared screaming at me to stop,but I kept going.I looked back down at my hands which were bloody glowing claws.There in my hands layed the lifeless little baby.Then it opened it's eyes and screamed. So I did the only thing I could....
I screamed

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