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(Nobody's POV)
"What happened?",Stiles asked again."I..I don't know",Lina said."What do you mean you don't know?",Malia said causing everyone to turn to see her at the end of the hallway."Oh,Lina went all Wolfie mode on Scott and doesn't know why",Stiles said smoothly.Everyone just looks at him."What?, it's true",Stiles says."Lina,are you okay?",Scott asks."I'm fine",Lina says back."Hey guys,maybe we should let them talk",Liam suggests. Everyone goes downstairs except Stiles and Liam."I'll be fine guys",Scott says.Liam nods his head and goes downstairs"Come on,Lina let's go to my room",Scott says as him and Lina start walking to his room but stops realizing Stiles was still there.Lina and Scott stare at Stiles."I have to go too" Stiles says upset.The pair continues to stare at Stiles until he goes downstairs."Fine,alright I'm going,I'm going",Stiles says.Lina and Scott go into Scott's room."What's the last thing you remember?",Scott says as soon as the door closes.
I feel really hot,like on fire.I look at my finger to see that they're turning a bright fiery red.Then I hear crying,more like weeping.I look over into the darkest corner of my room and see a woman.I then recognize her as my mother.I get out of bed and the more I walk towards the corner the hotter I feel.I look down at my fingertios again, which are now on fire but not burning.I look back up into the corner and start walking to the corner again.The more I walk the futher it goes."Mom"I yell,no response."Mom"I yelled again.The woman stopped crying and turned slowly around.My eyes scan her body,stopping at her hands.Her hands are bloody but inside them a baby.I started walking again but realized I should run.As soon as my right foot hits the ground my body ignites in fire but not burning.In a flash my mom was right in front of me.I look at her face expecting to see my mom but I see me.Except I looked more psychotic-no more blood thirsty.I look down at her hands seeing her clawing at the baby even though it's already dead.My mom suddenly appeared yelling "Stop,Lina,Stop".I kept going,I looked down at my hands to find the baby.My hands were now bloody glowing claws.I was staring at the baby until it opened it's eyes and started screaming.I did the only thing I could.I screamed
"And then I woke up,you know on top of you almost clawing your face off",Lina finishes."Wow,what do you think it means?",Scott asks."I don't know,but I'm going to take a walk something might come back to me",Lina says."Alright,but be careful I don't want you getting hurt",Scott says sincerely."Thanks Scott,but if you hadn't noticed I can handle myself",Lina says back."Sure,you can but call me if you are in danger,it might be to much for you",Scott says."Whatever you say"Lina singsonged while walking past Scott.They both go downstairs to see Stiles talking about Star Wars and Lydia doing something on her phone. Lina continues to walk to the front door."I'm going for a walk",she says write before exiting out the front door."What're you doing Lydia?",Kira asks."I found a book on the dread doctors",She says looking up briefly."I'm trying to figure out where we can find it",She finishes."I found it",she says shocking everyone after moments of silence."God, Lydia don't do that",Stiles says."Where is it?",Derek asks."Beacon Hills Library",Lydia replies."Let's go checkk out a copy",Theo says."Malia,no driving",Kira says as Malia picks up Lydia's keys."Fine",Malia huffs storming out the door and into the car as we all follow her.
(Lina's POV)
As soon as I step off the porch I text Luke.
Hey babe I'm on my way
OK I'm unlocking the door,my parents are on a business trip
Alright I'm on my way be the in 10
I make to Luke's house in less than 10 minutes. I knock on the door.Luke opens it."Hey Luke",I say."Hey Babe",he says letting me in.

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