

“No, Brad?”

“No, Charleston?”

“Heck no, Charlie?”

“No, Drake?”

“No, we have enough D’s in this family.” I sighed. This was hopeless, we were getting nowhere and I was getting frustrated. It was like we couldn’t agree. I guess in a way, the idea of putting a name to the baby meant that it was all more real and that he was actually coming, that all of this wasn’t some wacky dream I had concocted in my head after spending too much time in my mum’s potion room sniffing out of date newt. No, this was real life now. This was the life that I had been destined with, but it wasn’t the life I wanted my child to have and I guess, putting a name to a face made it all seem more real. It made it all the more…daunting.

“Bella, are you listening to me?”

“Huh, oh yes, continue.” I mumbled as we continued down the list of possible names for our son. Well we had to give him a name eventually; the vampire council are going to want to know what name to print on the wanted posters.

After what felt like hours of arguing, discussing, debating and vetoing names, we finally came up with a name that we both agreed on. We decided on Kellien Chase Dawson Nicholai. I liked the fact that his name was interesting, but I knew that outside the walls of this house, his last name would not be Nicholai, it would be the made up last name that we were given before we came here.

I used the excuse that I needed to sleep to get away from Dante’s happiness for a little while. I’m not saying that I wasn’t happy too, I was, but that dream, it was like a plague on my mind. I guess I wanted to know how it ended. Did he say me? Or do I save him? I just needed time to come to terms with all that was happening to me and my son.

My son will be here soon and I feel like there is nothing I can do to protect him from this oncoming storm. I feel like they are getting closer and all I’m doing is sitting here like a wounded duck, just waiting to be shot. Waiting for it all to be over and done with. Call me impulsive, but I want this over. I want that council gone and my son to be safe, is that so much to ask for? Seems so; it seems that hiding out and waiting is better…but I’m not so sure anymore.

(Vampire Council)

With Roxie feeding us information, I was finding it easier to locate the traitors. I needed to figure out where the main two are hiding. I am close to finding Sterling and Elisabeth. I think they are in Florida, which is a very odd place for a couple of vampires to hide out. I mean its Florida and it’s sunny. Very odd.

I sent scouts out to go after Sterling and Elisabeth and they didn’t come back empty handed.


Sterling and I were happily talking, getting ready for bed, when our front door was smashed open and in charged the SWAT guys. Sterling looked at me and then threw me towards the back door while he charged towards the SWAT guys.

“GO!” He yelled at me as he charged off. I panted as I grabbed the car keys and rushed out the back door. I heard shots being fired and the fighting stopped, which meant that Dante had been captured. I would have felt if he had died.

Tears started to fall down my face as I jumped into the Jeep and drove off. I bashed into a few of the SWAT guys as I ran off, but none of them stopped me. A few did try to jump into the Jeep, but I grabbed the .38 calibre handgun that we had in the glove compartment and shot them. Some were kill shots, others were just wounds. I needed to get away from them, from here and off to Sterling’s parents.

They found us. I got away.’ I linked to the rest of the family. It was the first time in a long time that we had done this. We’d been quiet for a long time.

Where are you?’ Antoinette asked.

How?´ Belladonna asked at the same time.

I’m running. I’ll keep going till I’m safe, but Sterling…he’s captured.’ I cried a little when I said that and I tried to make sure that my vision wasn’t getting blurred up as I drove on in my pyjamas.

Where would they have taken him?’ Bella asked.

Carcer Infernus. Latin for Hell Prison, it’s the worst prison we have. No one has ever gotten out.’ Nicu told us, which made me cry more. I’ve lost Sterling.

I’m going to drive around till I’ve lost them.’ I sniffled as I drove on, taking the back roads out of Florida and staying out of sight.

Alright, be safe. We will get him back.’ Bella said and then everyone went silent and I was left to my thoughts.

I drove till I got tired and then I stopped for a moment. I hadn’t fed in days and I was weak. I needed the rest, but after a few eerie seconds on the dirty road I was currently on, the feeling of worry came over me and I was really wishing that I had just powered through. They had followed me, but just like all other SWAT teams I’d heard about, they were silent and crafty…always staying out of the line of my sight. Due to the fact that I hadn’t fed in days, my body was breathing or at least taking in air till I fed again and so when they put a cloth over my mouth, which was doused in chloroform, I was slowly falling asleep. I tried to fight them off, but it was like they knew that I was already weak enough to overpower. I guess they had been watching me for a lot longer than I originally imagined.

They’ve…got…me…’ I said very sleepily to the family before I felt an injection in my neck and before I knew it, I was asleep. I had been taken to Carcer Infernus, just like my husband and there I would meet my fate.


Had a slight mix up in names. Dante's Twin Brother is called STERLING not Damien. Sorry, got mixed up. I have mended my error

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