Chapter Twenty Four: Tell him.

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February 2011

"Mummy! Wake up!" Eleanor jumped on Hermione's bed "Wake up!"

Hermione jumped "What?" she said looking around "Eleanor it's too early." She yawned

"But mum, Nick is here."

"Nick? Oh bloody hell.. Okay tell him I'm coming." She said with her eyes still closed. Eleanor left the room running downstairs.

Five minutes later Hermione finally got up, she didn't bother herself changing, she just put on her satin black robes and walked downstairs, "Hey Nick." She yawned taking mug and made herself some coffee,

"Hey beautiful." He smiled

Hermione smiled back at him and remember the first time they met,

*Flash Back*


"Not now Andy! I have to go." Hermione said taking her piles and left her office. She hurried to the Wizengamot. She took her seat on the benches, it was half crowded, so many reporters,

"Who's defending him?" the Cheif Warlock asked

"Here sir. Hermione Jean Granger." She said getting up and walked to stand next to the young man who was sitting in the middle of the Wizengamot.

"Mr Nicolas Lyttelton." thw Cheif Warlock called

"Yes." Nick answered

"You're charged with using magic in front of a Muggle. Do you deny it?"

"No." He said, he was so careless,

"Do you have a good reason?"

"Please sir," Hermione said

"Yes?" The Cheif Warlock said

"Mr Lyttelton was defending himself, as another wizard, named Erich Telwar was using the Cruciatus Curse on him." Hermione said taking the piles and give them to a man and he gave them to the Chief "I have all the clues here, the guy didn't deny using the curse, he was sent to Azkaban in the morning of 13th June 2009, besides all Muggles memories were cleared, they won't be able to remember anything about it."

They flicked through the piles, the Cheif Warlock took a quick look at Hermione who was standing next to Nick, then back to the piles in his hands.
"All charged are cleared." he said

Nick stood up pulling half smile then looked at Hermione "Take that half smile off your face, and follow me." She said leaving the Wizengamot to her office "Close the door."

"Damn you're so hot!" Nick said sitting opposite her, Hermione gave him a look then turned her eyes to finish his papers, "I'm hungry, come on let's go for lunch!" he said getting up

"And who said I'll go for lunch with you?" She said without looking at him

"Oh come on!" He said taking her bag then her hand tugging her, she got to her feet and chuckled

"What are you doing?" She asked

"We're going to lunch, I'm paying!"

"I barely know you from the Daily Prophet!"

"Oh, right! Well hi I'm Nicolas, you can call me Nick. And you are.." He said looking at Hermione's office "Hermione Granger! We know each other now, come on." he smirked, still holding her hand, Hermione smiled and nodded as she admitted that she was hungry too, then they left.

*End of Flash Back*

"I heard you're going to the burrow?" Nick said

"Yes." Hermione answered

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