Chapter Fifty-one: Eleanor's Birthday

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Another month passed, July was here. The weather only getting hotter, and people were enjoying their summer.
Even Hermione, who had a week off from work. She was wearing a grey cotton shorts and a matched top. Her hair was in a messy bun. Having her coffee in her back yard enjoying the sun. A book was settled in her front on the glassy rounded table under the white umbrella from the table hole.

Eleanor watching TV, Luna made a great friendship with Emily as they were in the kitchen twenty-four, seven. And Hermione never know what they were talking about..
Draco an Eleanor never met yet, whenever Hermione try to, something had to happen and ruin it all.
Hyldey and Jan didn't get back together, which was a historical event. They used to get back together after five minutes of fighting. But it seemed that Hyldey was officially, deeply, completely, truly and madly in love with Norman. And Hermione wondered if he loved her back, and stopped his obsession with Hermione.

*Flash Back*

Hermione started officially working in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures after three months of giving birth. She had to leave babe Eleanor with Mrs Weasley who loved taking care of her. And when she first got into her office, Hyldey showed up in her life. As partners, not only at work but Hermione asked her to share her parents house (after them leaving to Australia) and be her home mate.
Of course Ron was the first one to object about Hermione leaving the burrow and live alone in her parents house. He was angry, that Draco might show up again. When Hermione knew that Malfoy was over. She had to wait for more than a year and he never called, never been looking for her and didn't think of sending her a letter to at least apologize. So after giving birth, Hermione moved to her parents house. She redecorated it using her wand to move the furniture and get the wallpaper done.
But then it was too big for her alone. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms and a good spaced kitchen. And once Hermione knew from her weird partner that she wanted to move and she was looking for a house, Hermione asked to join her.

"Alright.. You can choose from the three bedrooms. Though the one downstairs is for guests. But you can take it if you don't like climbing the stairs." Hermione shrugged.

"No I'll take this one." She pointed at the spare room, Hermione's parents had in their house as they were thinking of having another baby. But they were getting old before they could realize it so the room remained empty for years.

"Okay." Hermione nodded and opened the door, it was a good choice. The room was overlooking the back yard which was always neat and tidy. The walls was painted in red, a black metal bed with white sheets and a cupboard. There was a TV, two bedside tables and a dresser drawer with mirror.

"I love it!" Hyldey grinned "And red is my favorite colour!" she waved her wand and her trunks were now in her room.

"Brilliant.. Um well, here's the bathroom, by the way. Second door on left." Hermione smiled

And from there, their friendship began. Hermione of course told her that she had a daughter. She lied about her father of course. But couple of weeks later, Hyldey heard Hermione sobbing in the midnight. Hyldey jumped out of bed and walked towards Hermione's room. She knocked and didn't wait for an answer she walked in.
"Hermione? What's wrong?" she sat next to her on her bed

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't! Tell me what is it?" Hyldey squeezed her shoulder. And Hermione told her. Everything. Since they were in Hogwarts until that night. And about her pregnancy. And since that day, Hermione knew that Hyldey was a good friend. The best she ever had. "And.. What's this?" Hyldey asked looking at a small box with the colours of gold and red.

When Hermione opened it, there was a photographer, of Luna, Hermione and Draco. They were still at Hogwarts. All of them were beaming happily at the camera. "So this is Draco?" she asked

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