Chapter Thirty One: Charges Cleared

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Hermione reached the door of her bedroom, she opened it, turned the lights on to see a figure standing next to the window.

"Wh-who are you? And how did you get in here?" Hermione asked in a feat tone.

The figure turned around, a black robes and a brown skull mask, Hermione looked terrified.

"I've waited this day for years. I think you have all rights to see my face, it will be the last thing you see.." the mask were taken off

"Pansy?" Hermione gasped

"Yes.. Pansy, the girl that you spoiled her life! You stole the love of my life! You have his daughter.." She chuckled with tears in her eyes, "That should be me.. I'm the one who have to have his kids not you!" She pulled her wand out of her robes

"Pansy.. Don't be stupid.. Draco and I"

"Shut up!" She yelled walking angrily towards Hermione, grabbing her arm and pushed her to the bed "There's nothing such as you and Draco!?

"We're not even together.. I swear.. Pansy please I have a daughter.. Please"

"I'd love to kill her too.."

"No! No please.. Please!" she begged crying

"I can't.. She's his daughter too. Well now, any last words before I finish you?"

"Pansy.. Listen" Her eyes spotted Draco walking slowly towards the door, he held his left index finger to his lips then pointed his wand at Pansy "Pansy please.."

" Expelliarmus!" Said Draco, and Pansy's wand flew to his direction. "I thought Blaise was going mad.." he walked closer

"You're still defending her!" Pansy yelled "She doesn't deserve you!" Pansy pulled a gun from her robes "let's finish this in the Muggles way." she pulled a nasty cold smirk

"Petrificus Totalus!" he cried and saw as Pansy fell on the floor, he quickly kicked the gun away from her hand, to Hermione hugging her tight as she cried on his chest "You're okay.. You're safe." he said quietly, his left arm wrapped around her holding her tight to him. Hermione whipped her tears, and called the two aurors who were standing outside still, then she called Blaise and Harry.

"I asked you to watch her house! And keep an eye on her!" Harry yelled at the aurors "She could've died!"

"Harry.. Harry stop." Hermione said "It's not their fault.. I left the window open."

"Are you sure you're okay Hermione?" Harry asked holding her shoulder

"I'm good." She nodded "Can I.. Use your phone? Mine is dead.."

"Yeah sure." Harry reached the pocket of his coat and gave her his phone, she quickly took it and called Ron.

"Hey Harry." Said Ron

"Ron it's me.. Hermione."

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Ron.. Let me speak with Eleanor, please."

"Okay hold on." he said Hermione heard Ron's voice calling Eleanor's name "Hermione.. I can't find her.. She was just here and-"

"What do you mean you can't find her! Ron where's she?" She cried

"Look, hang up I'll see where she is and I'll call you back, okay." Ron hang up.

Hermione covered her mouth with her back of her hand, running the other one through her hair, she sat on a chair in the kitchen waited for more than ten minutes then Ron called her back "Ron!"

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