Chapter Sixty-five: What A Honeymoon

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   "Hermi- seriously!" Draco groaned, put down the coffee mugs and sat next to his sleepy wife "Hermione wake up," he said softly "Hermione come on, this is the third time I wake you up!" Hermione sighed and tugged the blanket even closer to her naked body, turning to the other side so she wouldn't be facing him. Draco smiled he watched as her chest moved slowly. He leaned closer leaving wet kisses all over her spine then he softly blew

"Draco!" she cried "I'm freezing already!" she sat down and he handed her robe

"Where's the Hermione who used to wake up before everyone else to see me in Hogwarts, eh?"
Hermione only shrugged then she hugged the red mug in both of her hands to warm her up. "Good morning, beautiful." he pecked a kiss "have your coffee and get ready." Hermione nodded and he left the room.
Twenty minutes later, Hermione came down, wearing a denim jeans a grey long sleeves top and a purple jacket, her hair dangling on her shoulders and joined Draco in the new car.

After a long.. Long ride, Hermione started to guess where they were going but Draco wasn't telling her. And when they arrived, Hermione copied Draco and left the car, looking around her. Hermione admitted to herself it was a beautiful place, long trees, a ground covered with different colours of leafs brown, yellow, red and orange it was covering it like snow. "Hermione!" Draco called

Hermione turned to him "yes?"

"Where's your wand?"

"It's here" she pulled it out of her jacket pocket. Draco stretched his arm out for it "oh, you want it?" she walked closer and handed it to him.  Hermione watched as he shoved her wand in his own jeans. Hermione didn't understand what he was doing but she didn't care, she didn't want to ruin her day and she wasn't ready to argue all over again with him. She suddenly grinned at him even though he wasn't looking at her, but busy with all the bags in the trunk "so.." she said excitedly "there's a hotel up there right?"

"Not really." he answered

"A house, right! Like a mountain house!" she clapped her hands together with excitement

"Nope." he straightened up holding the bags in both his arms.

"Um.. Is it a house with those outside bathrooms?" she followed him as he leaded her, Draco smirked and shook his head "what is it then?" she moaned

"You wait for it, Hermione Malfoy." he smiled

"What? What what! Hermione Malfoy?" she groaned "what have I done to myself!" Draco chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Then they finally arrived, a very big lake was there, the view was a breathtaking and Hermione couldn't help but admire the beautiful view. And moments later she turned to Draco and the smile faded from her face when she saw that Draco was working on a tent. A very small one and she knew it was nothing like the Perkins tent that she once was in with the Weasleys in the Quddiutch World Cup.. It was nothing like the charmed tents she used to stay in with Harry and Ron. It was a normal, small, blue tent that the Muggles use.. Not that she didn't like it because it was a Muggles tent but she was freezing already! It was so cold and Draco didn't expect her to stay in that small tent. "You're not serious, are you?" she asked with her eyebrows raised

"I am." he grinned at her

"We're staying here?"

He nodded "isn't it beautiful?"

Hermione chuckled "yeah of course.. It will fit our heads at least. You know," she mocked "we'll warm the top part of us, then we'll switch."

"Don't mock, Hermione. C'mon we'll be fishing too."

"I'm sorry? Finishing?" he nodded "But wait, you brought another food right? I mean in case we didn't do the fishing.."

"No, that's why we have to start fishing soon" he grinned

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