Chapter Thirty Nine: Drama

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Hermione felt everything stopped around them as they walked back to the house, it was only her and Draco, the man who she always loved, the one who gave her everything she needed, love, passion, care and safety.

*Flash Back*

Draco couldn't believe he bought his first Muggles car, it was a silver one. Of course he would show it off to everyone in their neighborhood.
Later in the evening when Hermione got back from her job in a Muggles beauty center she was surprised to see that car. She couldn't believe he was spending money on things they never needed, she knew Draco always hated Muggles and their 'things' and she was sure he did this because Samuel who worked with his father had one before him.
She walked towards him her arms crossed to her chest, he was grinning widely at her.
"Oh come on, Hermione!" he groaned

"Draco we don't even need a car!" She cried angrily

"We actually do.. I mean.. We live in a Muggles neighborhood.. So" he shrugged

"Whatever. I'm really tired, I'll go and rest."

"No!" he caught hold of her wrist tugging her back to him "I'm going to take you in a ride."


"Yes, now." he opened the door for her, Hermione rolled her eyes with a smile as she hopped in. He showed her places she never actually visited before, she was enjoying herself. She was.. Until Draco stopped the car in the middle of the street, all their neighbors were looking at then as though they were fighting or something. Draco stepped out of his seat, walked to Hermione's door opened it and held his hand out for her.
She looked at him questioningly before she took his hand and stepped out. It was awkward, everyone was staring. She raised her eyebrows when Draco jumped on top of the car,
"Listen up everyone!" He shouted and got everybody's attention "I Draco Malfoy.." She frowned , and a deep crease appeared between her eyebrows. "I made all the wrong choices in my life.."

"Draco!" Hermione hissed

"But knowing this beautiful here," he pointed to her "Will never be wrong." his tone got softer "And now.." he got on one knee, Hermione covered her face with the pink cotton jacket she had in her hands, she was embraced, everyone there, young and old, man and woman were staring at them " I'll be the happiest man, if you gave me the pleasure.." he pulled a ring off his pocket, it was so beautiful, a silver one with a big blue stone on top of it "to be my wife."
Hermione didn't know what to say, she was still embraced and she told Draco about that before. She did the first thing popped in her head, Run away.
She found the center that she worked in, it wasn't so far away from where they were, she entered it, panting and gasping for air.

"Hermione?" Said Camilla the owner of the beauty center "What's going on dear?" she poured a glass of water and handed it to her

At that moment, Draco showed up, panting as well.

"What is your problem woman?" He asked

"Okay both of you, tell me what happened?" Asked Camilla

"He proposed.." Hermione said under her breath. Camilla smiled and covered her mouth with her hands

"And she rejected ME! "

"It's not that I want to reject it, Draco!" she tried to explain

"Ah, yeah sure! She rejected me in front of more than fifty people!"

"Draco we talked about that before! Of course I want to be your wife.." his face lighted up "But not now.. I need to finish what I'm working for. You know I'll be working for the.." She looked around the center, they were Muggles. "For the.. That company you know!"

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