Chapter Sixty-two: I will

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"Okay, I'll talk to her, don't worry." Hyldey said whispering to Draco as the two of them walked towards the bench where Hermione was sitting. Draco stopped away from them while Hyldey kept walking. She sat next to Hermione, who had red cheeks and her eyes were glassy. "Dear?" Hyldey called her "what happened?" her hand ran up and down Hermione's back "Draco told me that you've been sitting alone by the beach for three hours"

Hermione sniffed, pushed her long hair away from her face. Her brown eyes met Hyldey green ones "he proposed.." she said

"What!" Hyldey cried and looked at Draco with a grin, who was looking back at them with his hands in his pockets. But her grin slowly faded when she realized that Hermione was crying even harder "what's wrong?"

"I don't know.." Hermione shook her head

"I thought this is what you want."

"Tell me, Hyldey.." Hermione sniffed "tell me what should I do, advise me and I'll do what you say."

Hyldey sighed, glanced at Draco then back to Hermione "do the right thing."

"But I don't feel that this is right.. I mean, he's good now but this is what always happens, he'll always come back to me stay for two days then leave again."

"Hey! That's Draco! Draco! The one who you loved for years! And he's proposing to you that means that he won't leave you again. Hermione he loves you, he wants to be with you." Hermione shook her head and started biting her nails and Hyldey let another long sigh.

Draco walked closer to the two ladies, "Hermione I'll go now. I believe you need time alone-" Hermione nodded, got up and left back to her house.

"Go, I'll stay with her" Hyldey said and quickly she followed her.

Hermione was on the sofa, her legs crossed, her right cheek resting over the palm of her right hand. Staring at nowhere and lost into her thoughts. Hyldey looked at her worriedly then she went to the kitchen and prepared some tea for them two. When she came back, she found Hermione just in same position she left her in. Hyldey bit her lip and settled down next to her handing her the tea cup. Hermione took a sip and the awkward silence was killed when she finally spoke "and he's asking me where do I want to get married! It's like ad if I said yes and all what is left is to choose a place to get married in."

"Hermione maybe this is his way to propose.. I mean every man has his own way and this was Draco's. I don't understand why you're so angry?"

"Because this is wrong."

"What is wrong? I believe that something is wrong with you! Hermione wake up the man just proposed to you, you must be happy!"

"I am." Hermione put her cup down and Hyldey checked her watch "but I really don't know. There's two voices screaming inside me, the first one is saying say yes, he loves you, but the other is saying the opposite, and that one is screaming louder than the first one."

"But he's the one you love. I'd so say yes if I were you I mean, you waited for this moment for forever and here it is. You two have been through the lot together and everytime in somehow you find a way to get back together and find your loving arms."

"He hurted me a lot and he's still. I want to say it I really do I want to tell him yes I do but I just remember the pain he caused me so I change my mind and stop myself from being weak towards him," Hyldey checked her watch again "or even thinking about him."

"Then don't marry him." she shrugged and looked again at her hand watch

"I love him Hyldey!"

"How many there are inside your heart?" Hyldey asked

"Two! My daughter and myself."

Hyldey roller her eyes and leaned back. And the silence washed over the place again, both of them didn't say a word for a good while. Hermione was staring at the outside from the glassy door and Hyldey was staring at her watch. "Say something! Aren't you my friend?" Hermione said

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