Chapter Forty Six: Ron's Wedding

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Hermione was ready, her hair was in a natural looking bombshell style, her makeup was light unlike the Ball night. Wearing her light, baby blue short dress, with long lace sleeves and white high heels and purse. She walked down the stairs to the kitchen, helping herslef with a drink. She was nervous that she's gonna meet Ron after their kiss, Nick after kissing her and Draco after their last conversation. She downed her drink in one shot and places the empty glass on the white table, letting a long sigh. She checked her phone, no missed called, no text messages.. Nothing. She checked the time and it said 6:37 she had to be there at seven. She grabbed her purse and walked to the living room, to see Luna still sitting in her pyjama bottoms and a pink oversized T-shirt.
"Luna? What- why didn't you get ready?" Hermione said crossing her arms

"Do I have to go?" Luna asked "I mean.. I won't feel comfortable.. Because everyone knows what I'm working and-"

"Don't be silly, Luna. It's not of anyone's business. And no one can speak a word with you. Now c'mon, Ron asked me to bring you with me. You're dress is ready, go hurry up." she smiled

Luna sighed then nodded and upstairs to her room. Hermione had to wait fifteen minutes, Luna came back wearing a long grey dress, spaghetti line straps that was made of fake diamonds, her long blonde hair was tugged up in a messy updo and she burly had makeup. Red high heels and a matched colour purse. Her blue eyes looked brighter with her grey dress. Hermione smiled at her then Emily and Eleonor came from upstairs. Emily wearing a short purple dress her short dark hair was straight and silky. Eleanor was wearing a pink dress and a white ballerina shoes, her hair was made in an updo with curls down.

The four of them apparated, Hermione scooped Eleanor up holding her tight and Eleanor was wrapping her arms tight around Hermione's neck.

The burrow looked great, with lights and candles floating everywhere, a huge white tent next to it. Hermione put Eleanor down, then she, Eleanor, ran to play with the other kids there. When Emily, Hermione and Luna entered the burrow. Everyone there could hear Mrs Weasley's voice, ordering and screaming.
"No, no! It shouldn't be here!"

"I told you these must be in the tent!"

"Why no one is listening to me?"

Hermione walked towards her with a smile "Oh, Hermione, dear! You look so pretty!" she cupped her cheeks with a wide smile. Then her eyes narrowed to Luna who was rubbing her arm and standing in the hall awkwardly "Luna! Oh my god, come here let me see you!" Mrs Weasley cried, Luna walked to her still feeling awkward and uncomfortable, Mrs Weasley tugged her into a bone-crush hug "It's so great to see you again, darling. You look so beautiful." she said with a warm smile that would make anyone feel good.

Hermione climbed the long stairs, she could hear the people laughing and talking loudly from the tent. She arrived to Ginny's room, knocked and entered. Ginny was fixing Harry's tie and asking him to do something with his hair. She was wearing a long gold dress with chiffon over her flat belly, a red roses bouquet was lying on her bed and Hermione could tell that she was the bride's maid of honor.
"Hold on, Hermione." Ginny walked outside the room and from the staircase she cried "JAMES SIRIUS POTTER! YOU BETTER COME HERE RIGHT NOW! OR I SWEAR YOU'LL NEVER SEE YOUR BROOMSTICK AGAIN!"

Hermione raised her eyebrows as she watched her yelling, then she turned to Harry who was trying to do 'something' with his hair "Maybe I should give you a haircut.." she smiled

"Hermione!" he hugged her tight "Please help us! She's gonna kill us, I promise! She's going mad.. Want us to look perfect! I don't want to be perfect neither do James and Albus.." he sighed, he quickly turned to the mirror when he spotted his wife coming back "So.. Hermione.. How do I look?" he grinned

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