Chapter Nineteen: Home

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Hermione woke up early the next day, she took a quick shower, dressed up and left her room. She closed her door slowly, carefully not to wake Luna up.
She ran to the hospital wing, Draco was asleep. She walked to his bed and sat on the chair nest to him, holding his hand, it was cold and pale.
She sighed as she waited for him to wake up, she looked at the wall watch it was 7:30 she turned back to Draco, she smiled as she watched him sleeping, she sat on the bed leaning down and pushing his hair gently back,

"Scusa devo andare. io ti amo." She whispered stealing a kiss from his lips. (Translation: "Sorry I have to go. I love you."

She got to her feet, walking toward the door to the yard, it was still empty but Hermione. She sat on the ground decided to read a book until her friend join her.

"Hey." Hermione heard a familiar voice, she stopped reading and turned to where the voice,

"Hey.. Parkinson.." Hermione said awkwardly.

"Um.. I just want to.. I just want to say thanks." Pansy said sheepishly


"You saved my life.." She said

"Oh that.. Anyone would do the same." Hermione nodded slightly

"I never expect from you."
Hermione shrugged and Pansy smiled, then left when she saw Luna coming,

"Is that Pansy Parkinson? She was talking and smiling at you?!" Luna said sitting next to Hermione

"Yeah.. She just came to thank me for saving her life.." Hermione said chuckling

"Merlin! What happened to the world?" She laughed "how's Draco?"

"Still didn't wake up.." Hermione sighed

"Did Madam Pomfrey said when he's waking up?"

"No.. Not really."

"Well.. I'll go check on him." Luna smiled and left

Ron and Harry joined Hermione a moment later they didn't talk Hermione was still reading Harry and Ron were looking around at the mess. Hermione was the first one to talk in nearly an hour, mused,

"He'll be alright, won't he? I mean, McGonagall said not to worry." Ron raised his head and eyed Hermione cautiously,

"You keep telling yourself that, kid, and maybe he'll make it through the day." Hermione stood up defensively, causing Harry to roll her side and mumble,

"He's right. It was a killing curse, Hermione. It'll be lucky if he ever comes out of his coma."

"SHUT UP, Harry! Don't you think I know that? That curse was meant for me."

Harry looked at Hermione and sat cross-legged as he said, "You know, Hermione, Draco may not be as bad as I always made him out to be."

"I know Harry.." she said quietly looking at her feet

Ron shot back, "Yeah, for a jerk, a Slytherin and a Death Eater, he's not bad at all."

"Look, Ron, I didn't get a chance to tell you, okay. We were too busy trying not to die back there.Draco isn't a Death Eater by choice. He's being forced to work for Voldemort; no doubt it's his father's fault, too." Harry explained.

Ron jumped and looked up at Harry, questioningly, "Bloody hell! Did I just hear Harry Potter defending Draco Malfoy? And the sad part is, I'm inclined to believe you, too."

Hermione shook her head and sat down opposite to Ron and Harry. "I'm not leaving him."

"What the bloody hell you're talking about, Hermione?" Ron said

Perfect Two...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora