Kankuro x Reader

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"Fine, but you know I can't stay here forever! The village needs me after this week, ok?"
He nodded back at you in agreement, a smile forming on his face.
"Great so while you stay here at the sand village, with us, you will finally get to see what my puppets can actually do! I know you all think there're a piece of wood held and controlled by chakra strings...."
A smiled formed on your face, trying to hold back the giggles you let out a giant laugh and fell to the floor.
"I - don't mean- to sound -rude- but aren't - they just wood -and some chakra strings?" You giggled.
Kankuro sunk to the floor in defeat after thinking about it for a few minutes,
"Well, (Y/N) I suppose it's true ... I am literally so lame! My brother has made something of himself, Temari is doing fine and is basically in with the Leaf village, I'm stuck with my puppets..."

You moved closer to him and hugged him,
"No-one thinks that ... Remember that time when you saved Kiba's butt! People haven't forgot it, seriously your puppets are cool and they work for you! Don't put yourself down ...." You smiled at him as you let go of the hug.

Standing, he took off the puppet from his back and placed the bottom on the floor,
"Thanks (Y/N), you kinda promised me to watch my puppet show and all the cool new things I learnt ... So don't move a muscle cause I'm here all week, and so are you," he winked.

Thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me. Please leave any comments and suggestions that you may have, it helps!
Thank you :)

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