Sasuke x Reader

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"You know I will succeed, I've been taking a leaf out of Lee's book, I won't stop until I have done it. If I fail I will run around the village twice.... So I'm not losing this one Uchiha!" I looked around and saw Naruto laughing at me, what did he want!?
"You will never do it, people have tried so many times, there is no way you, (Y/N) are gonna get him to smile." At the last word Naruto dropped to the floor and was in hysterics. You felt your anger bubbling up until Sakura came along and thought he was being annoying, so she did what she does best.
She hit Naruto so hard he went flying in the air and landed across where he had previously been. At least he stopped laughing.
"I think it's a great idea I can't wait to be there to take a picture of the rare occasion!" I could tell Naruto wanted to say something but as soon as Sakura looked at him he looked up to the sky like she wasn't even there.

---------Time Skip--------

I sat down hard on the floor, nothing was working .... He couldn't even grin. He was one tough cookie to crack. But then what would I expect from the grumpiest Uchiha going ....

Suddenly I saw Kiba and Akamaru running passed where I was sitting, "KIBA, AKAMARU COME BACK HERE!" I shouted waving my hands back and forth, within seconds they had returned to me. I whispered the plan to Kiba and he nodded in approvement.
That Uchiha was going down ....

I begun the search for Sasuke around the village, Kiba was on the hunt for Naurto. The plan needed them both in the same place, at the same time, otherwise Sasuke was never gonna break a smile.
Finally I found him and dragged him to the meeting place, "it's never gonna work whatever it is!"

'Oh Sasuke you know nothing... '

We made it to the training ground, Kiba was there waiting it looked like he had found Naruto quickly ...

"What am I supposed to find funny!?" Sasuke argued, as he finished his last words Kiba shouted to Akamaru, "Now boy!"

The dog leapt into the air and attacked Naruto's arm, with this he danced around the training grounds trying to get the dog to release his arm. "KIBAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! GET HIM OFFFFFFFFFF!!!" Kiba began to laugh and so did I. With everyone else laughing and Naruto jumping around, a grin appeared on Sasuke's face.

"I DID IT!!!" I place my arms onto Sasuke's shoulders and he turned a red colour.
Finally Akamaru let go and ran back to Kiba, Naruto came over to look at Sasuke.

"You feeling alright, your really red, you look like you have a fever coming ....." With that Sasuke became even more red, which made everyone laugh more.

Thank you for reading this, please leave any suggestions and comments you have for me it really helps! Thank you for reading this! :)

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