Shikamaru x Reader

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"Shikamaru you don't have to worry about me anymore, trust me! I've trained 24/7, the enemy's not getting in a 100 mile radius while I'm around!!' He chuckled and and carried on walking you back to your house. As you had always lived alone, your house was somewhat isolated from the rest in the heart of the village.

" I don't trust anyone anymore, so I'm gonna keep on worrying. It's not like you know they are not coming back to get you, in fact it's the opposite. I was thinking with all the clues and recent visits, there're coming soon....'

You huffed at him, he was trying to protect you however whenever someone tried before, that person wasn't around long after. You really didn't want that for Shikamaru.

'Look I'll let this time but next time we hang out, I'm making my own way home, ok?" He shook his head in agreement,

"Alright I'm not gonna fight you for me to do extra walking." He smiled and you walked up to your door, smiled back at him and waved.

They will come and when they do Shikamaru's not gonna be around to see what happens .... I can't let him, out of everyone, get hurt because of me....

-------TIME SKIP------

That training session with Lee always killed you, he pushes you and himself to hard.
You looked up to the sky, there was a magnificent full moon staring back at you, it lit the path in front in great contrast to the dark wood surrounding you.
You could see your house just up ahead, when three people stepped into the path.


"(Y/N) no more Mr nice guys, you coming with us whether you come willing or not?!"
One ran at you, after a struggle and almost half your chakra used, they fell to the floor.
Your eyes flickered between the two left and your house, if you could just make a run for it..... But even then they would get in still. Dilemma!
The house, it was the only option for now.
Darting around the two people left, you made a break for your house, worn out you made it to the door, in seconds they were behind you.


"Look don't even try to make a move, your done for now and there's nothing you can do!" Their chuckles pierced through the air, mocking you at your lame attempt to escape, however you really had no other choice.

The taller out the two leapt forward to grab you but came to a sudden holt.

"Shadow Possession complete." You looked a little further beyond the two in front of you and just out of the shadows you made out Shikamaru's figure.
You sighed and sat down on the floor, Shikamaru's shadow beginning to wrap itself around their necks, knocking out the two of them.

"Your lucky, it's a great moon tonight for light!"

You smiled at him,

"Yeah guessing it's my lucky night..."

Thank you for reading this it means a lot to me! Sorry for slow uploads, I've been soooo busy and also sorry for another Shikamaru story. He's just extremely cool and also I don't know who else to write about.
Please leave any suggestions for me, it's great help!
Thanks :)

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