CXXIV. Test of Chaos (Part 2)

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Yuko grit his teeth. He could've believe that Xerus would even think of Yuko as a villian. Despite having an evil spirit living inside of him and bearing a birthmark that can almost drive him insane, Yuko didn't want to hear Xaphoria talk bad about him.

He knew he wasn't a bad guy. Yuko was far from it. But it angered him to hear that Xaphoria thought otherwise. If anything Xaphoria was the bad guy here.

Yuko still couldn't understand why Xaphoria claimed to be the good guy. Even when he faced Deltrus, he didn't feel this much dread and fear of dying. There was something about Xaphoria that made Yuko more unsteady than he did with Xerus.

"I just can't get a read on you," Yuko said.

"I wish you could," Xaphoria admitted. "I promise you. I'm not crazy. I'm driven by vengence. That's all."


"I end my turn."-Xaphoria

•Xaphoria(4000): (Valtorus:17100 atk/3200 atk)

"My move then. {I have to stop him doing whatever he has planned} I draw!"-Yuko

•Yuko(100): Draws.

"I'll start by switching Orionus to attack mode!"-Yuko

Switches Orionus to attack mode. (Orionus:3500 atk)

"And I'll activate this!"-Yuko

Activates One Man Army.

"Because I only control one monster, I can attack every single monster you control! So get ready Xaphoria, because all of your precious dragons are taking a one-way trip to the graveyard!! Orionus attack his forbidden cards!!! Judgement Day!!!"-Yuko

Attacks and destroys Red Dragon, Black Dragon, White Dragon, and Violet Dragon with Orionus. (Xaphoria:4000/2000)

"Four in one...very impressive Yuko..."-Xaphoria

"I'm not done yet. I saved Valtorus for last! Orionus, Judgement Day!!!"-Yuko

Attacks Valtorus with Orionus. (Xaphoria:2000/1700)

"What? Why wasn't Valtorus destroyed?"-Yuko

"Valtorus can't be destroyed by Non-Dragon-type monsters. You just wasted an attack hahahaha."-Xaphoria

"{Ugh. I was really hoping to get rid of that least it doesn't have any Zeon Units. Even so, Xaphoria can easily link more to it. I have to set my defense and hope for the best} I end my turn with these two face-downs."-Yuko

Sets 2 cards.

"I respect you Yuko."-Xaphoria


"Honestly. I really do. You defeated Xerus. That's something even I couldn't do. He's slaughtered so many people and caused the downfall of the gods. It's because of him that I'm all alone in these realms. Or so I thought..."-Xaphoria

"What are you rambling about?"-Yuko

"I have Kenji, I have Tammi, and I have you."-Xaphoria


"You're the Heart of Unity, you bear the mark my master once bore. It's almost as if he's still around."-Xaphoria

"I'm not Deltrus' father."-Yuko

"I know, but you two are so much alike. You're kind, loyal, and respectful. The only difference was that Altros knew how to handle his responsibility as the Heart of Unity."-Xaphoria

"Well you can't possibly think that I'd know how to handle all of this..."-Yuko

"Of course I do. That's I why I want to take the weight off of your shoulders."-Xaphoria

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