XCV. Wings of Vengence

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Tammi spent her day with Mimi. She felt bad for Mimi when she found out that she lost her first duel in the tournament.

"So what card do you need?" Mimi asked.

"The Chaos Card." Tammi looked around for her next opponent. She wanted to make it into the semi-finals badly. She figured that if there's a King of Games, why isn't there a Queen of Games. Tammi wanted to be the first. Of course that meant she'll have to get through Yuko and Kenji first to do so.

"I wish we could've dueled." Mimi said.

"We can. After the tournament."

The two continued their search for someone with a Chaos Card. Mimi kept looking at Tammi. She saw a glimmer of sadness in Tammi's face. Mimi knew exactly what she was looking. "Who's the boy?"

Tammi blushed. "What?! Boy?!"

"You have that look on your face. Who is it?"

Tammi sighed and took Mimi to a shade under a tree. "It's Yuko. I don't what to think anymore. I know we still like each other, but he's scared to make a move."

"Well does he have a reason to be scared?"

Tammi thought back to when Yuko had woke up in the hospital after he beat Xerus. He said that he didn't want to hurt her. "I guess after he tried to kill me back when he had his...um episode, he thinks ge's a danger."

"I would be scared to date anyone too Tammi. Yuko's life is pretty complicated. He has magical powers, he summons card out of thin air, and he tried to take over the world. Granted, he wasn't in control of himself, but yeah. I see his point."

Tammi had to agree. Mimi was right. Yuko had a lot on his plate. He's even been dreaming of events to come. Tammi knew she couldn't hold him back. "I guess I can too. I just wish he'd stop flirting with me."

"I hate it when boys do that!" A voice said from above. A goth girl jumped out of the tree over Tammi and Mimi.

Mimi shrieked. "Raven!!! Stop doing that!!!"

"Sorry. I love making dramatic entrances." Raven turned to Tammi. "Hi I'm Raven. I dueled Mimi yesterday."

"Oh so you're the one who beat her. You must be tough." Tammi said. Mimi had told her that she lost in one turn. Raven seemed like a perfect opponent. "Would you like to duel? I only need one more Life Card."

"Me too! You're on!!" Raven activated her gear and inserted her Chaos Life Card to register the duel.

Tammi did the same. "This is going to be fun."



"I'll go first!"-Raven

•Raven(4000): Draws. Summons Blackwing-Shura the Blue Flame(Dark/Lv.4/1800 atk).

"Since I control a Blackwing Monster, I can Special Summon this one from my hand!"-Raven

Special Summons Blackwing-Bora the Spear (Dark/Lv.4/1700 atk) via effect.

"Next I'll combine them into one!"-Raven

Melds Shura(Dark) and Bora(Dark) to Zeo Summon Blackwing-Sirana the Phoenix(Dark/Lv.6/2300 atk).

"And I'll end my turn with these."-Raven

Sets 2 cards.

"My turn!"-Tammi

•Tammi(4000): Draws. Activates Double Summon.

"Now that I can summon twice this turn, I'll bring out these two,"-Tammi

Summons Etoile Angel(Earth/Lv.4/1200 atk) and Cherubic Archer(Earth/Lv.4/1400 atk).

"And meld them!"-Tammi

Melds Etoile Angel(Earth) and Cherubic Archer(Earth) to Zeo Summon Ballet Angel(Earth/Lv.5/2200 atk).

"Thanks Tammi. Now I can use this trap!"-Raven

Raven activates Triggered Summon.

"We both Special Summon a level four or lower monster from our hands!"-Raven

Raven Special Summons Blackwing-Fane the Steel Chain(Dark/Lv.2/500 atk) from her hand.

"Well in that case."-Tammi

Special Summons Pixie Warrior Lady(Earth/Lv.4/1600 atk) from her hand.


Raven activates Icarus Attack and tributes Fane.

"By tributing a Winged-Beast I control, I can destroy two cards you control!"-Raven

"What?!? You set me up!"-Tammi

Ballet Angel and Pixie Warrior Lady are destroyed.

"That was impressive. I fell right into your trap."-Tammi

Sets 2 cards.

"I'll be more careful next time."-Tammi

"We'll see."-Raven

•Raven(4000): Draws. Summons Blackwing-Kalut the Moon Shadow(Dark/Lv.3/1400 atk).

"Now for Sirana's effect. By banishing a Zeon Unit, she gains 700 attack points for every Blackwing on the field!"-Raven

Activates Sirana's effect. (Sirana:2 ZU/1 ZU) (Sirana:2300 atk/3700 atk)

"And with your Monster Zones being empty, I guess I will!"-Raven

"Tammi no!"-Mimi

"Kalut, attack directly!"-Raven

Attacks directly with Kalut.

"I have a trap!"-Tammi

Tammi activates Defense Draw.

"I take no damage and I can draw one card!"-Tammi

Tammi draws 1 card.

"Sirana can still attack! Flame Wing Strike!!"-Raven

Attacks directly with Sirana. (Tammi:4000/300)

"Thanks Raven."-Tammi

Tammi activates Zeo Mirror Force.

"I has hoping you'd that. With Zeo Mirror Force when I take Battle Damage from a Zeo Monster, all monsters you control are destroyed and I can Special Summon a Zeo Monster from my Extra Deck with less attack points than Sirana!"-Tammi

Tammi Special Summons Angel Queen of Silence(Earth/Lv.8/2900 atk) from her Extra Deck. (Angel Queen:0 ZU/1 ZU) Sirana and Kalut are destroyed.

"You set me up! Wow. Karma's weird."-Raven

"Alright Tammi! Go!"-Mimi

"Guess you're the one with the empty field now."-Tammi

•Tammi(300): Draws.

"Angel Queen of Silence can banish a Zeon Unit to increase her attack points by 700 and my Life Points by 500 for every Zeo Monster in both of our graveyards!"-Tammi

Activates Angel Queen's effect. (Angel Queen:1 ZU/0 ZU) (Tammi:300/1300) (Angel Queen:2900 atk/4300 atk)

"Well looks like I lose..."-Raven

"Sure does. Silent Melody!!"-Tammi

Attacks directly with Angel Queen. (Raven:4000/0) Tammi wins.


Raven stood to her feet and brushed herself off. "That was fun! Thanks Tammi." She handed Tammi her final Life Card.

Mimi stood by Tammi's side. "Now all you need is the Star Mark."

Tammi couldn't stop smiling. "Yeah. Maybe I can become the first Queen of Games after all."

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