C. Battle of Hearts (Part 2)

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Tammi prepared herself. Her duel with Yuko was just getting started and she was ready to win. A pass into the semi-finals was on the line.



•Tammi(1400): Draws.

"Oh yeah. Now things are heating up!"-Geno

"I wonder how this is going to turn out."-Kira

"I'll start my turn with Angel Queen's effect!!"-Tammi

Activates Angel Queen's effect. (Angel Queen:1 ZU/0 ZU) (Tammi:1400/1900) (Angel Queen:2900 atk/3600 atk)

"Let's take Tora down!! Silent Melody!!"-Tammi

Attacks Tora with Angel Queen.

"Sorry Tam, but I have a trap!!"-Yuko

Yuko activates Waboku.

"Well in that case, I'll my turn with this."-Tammi

Sets 1 card. (Angel Queen:3600 atk/2900 atk)

"Give me all you've got Yuko."-Tammi

"Oh you know I'm bringing my A-Game."-Yuko

•Yuko(2900): Draws. Summons Wildfire Lumberjack(Fire/Lv.4/1800 atk) and activates its effect.

"When Wildfire Lumberjack is the only Fire-Attribute on the field, I can Special Summon a little buddy for it from my hand!"-Yuko

Special Summons Wildfire Beetle(Fire/Lv.3/500 atk) from his hand.

"It's Zeo Time!"-Yuko

Melds Wildfire Lumberjack(Fire) and Wildfire Beetle(Fire) to Zeo Summon Newgrounds Terradin(Fire/Lv.7/2400 atk).

{His deck is so diverse. Interesting}-Yusuke

"Terradin can banish a Zeon Unit to decrease your Angel Queen's strength by 400 during the Battle Phase!!"-Yuko

Activates Terradin's effect. (Terradin:2 ZU/1 ZU) (Angel Queen:2900 atk/2500 atk)


"Now that Tora and Angel Queen are equally matched, they should fight!!" Yuko suggested. "Savior's Arrow!!"

Tora shot into the sky and aimed one its arrows at Angel Queen. Tammi smiled. "Well in that case. Angel Queen, Silent Melody!!!"

Angel Queen twirled her sword in a circular motion creating a vaccum of sound energy. The force was then launched towards Tora as he fired multiple arrows.

An explosion appeared of the field and once the smoke cleared, Tora and Angel Queen were gone.


"Thanks Yuko. Now I can use this!!"-Tammi

Tammi activates Zeo Tag Out.

"When a Zeo Monster I control is destroyed by battle, I can Special Summon a different but lower leveled Zeo Monster from my Extra Deck with the same attribute and type as the destroyed monster, then this card links itself to it as a Zeon Unit!!"-Tammi

Tammi Special Summons Ballet Angel(Earth/Lv.5/2200 atk) from her Extra Deck. (Ballet Angel:0 ZU/1 ZU)

"Sweet move, but Terradin can still attack!!"-Yuko

Attacks Ballet Angel with Terradin.

"Like I said before, you seem to forget a lot of things. Ballet Angel can protect herself by banishing an unit!!"-Tammi

Ballet Angel's effect activates. (Ballet Angel:1 ZU/0 ZU) Terradin and Ballet Angel battle. (Tammi:1900/1700)

"This is one intense match. Yuko and Tammi are both equally matched."-Neji

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