CXVII. Throne of Riches

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Neji wandered the destroyed Mayatec with hopes that he'd find at least one of his friends. He prayed that they would all be okay. The thought of losing his friends in Hell terrified him. It was something he didn't want to think about.

Neji knew he had to find his friends and fast. He knew that if he found them, they could duel Xaphoria as one and hopefully win. But so far, Neji was having no luck in his search.

The city was huge. His friends could've been anywhere. "I hope they're okay." Neji thought about his dad a lot. His father must've worried sick about him. If Neji managed to return home, he wasn't sure if he would tell his dad that he had a deadly trip to the underworld. His father wouldn't let Neji out of his sight again.

"Oh Nejidaichi Fudo...what have you gotten yourself into?" His said to himself.

"Don't worry Neji. I'll help you find your friends," A voice called from behind Neji.

Neji turned and found a floating ball of white energy. "Who are you?" Something told Neji not to fear the light. If anything, he was gravitated towards it. "Are you really here to help me?"

"Yes. I can take you to Yuko. You have to join him in the fight against Xaphoria," The light answered.

Neji smiled. "Well that'd be great. I need to make sure my friends are okay. Plus, I want to teach Xaphoria a thing or two."

The white light laughed. "Trust me. I do too. If I were alive, I'd want to take him down."

"Why are you helping me though?" Neji wondered.

"Because we're family. Now come. We have to hurry."

"Agreed." Neji chased after the light as it guided him around the city. After a few minutes, Neji found stumbled upon someone. He recognized the guy. "Anton?"

Anton Atlas turned quickly and sighed in relief once he saw Neji. "It's just you."

Neji was suprised to see Anton in Hell. "So you were sent to this hell-hole too."

"Seems so. I wonder what this Xaphoria guy wants."

Neji had asked himself the same question many times. "Something about destroying the darkness. You think that sounds like a good thing?"

"I'm not sure. He claims he's the good guy, but I think he's just crazy."

"Yeah I think so too." Neji looked around and noticed that the white light wasn't around anymore. He figured that it didn't want to how itself around others. He turned his attention back to Anton. "We have to find a way out. Have you dueled anyone yet?"

Anton shook his head. "No. I'm only dueling if I have to. It's war down here."

"Well yeah, but," Neji didn't like to hear that Anton was willing to fight others. "Then you'll just be doing what Xaphoria wants."

Anton took a deep breathe. He knew that dueling here would be wrong, but he also knew that he had to do whatever it took to survive. "Sometimes you have to do things you aren't proud of."

Neji frowned. To some extent, he agreed with Anton. But he still refused to kill others. "We can find a way out without having to fight each other. How about you come with me? I'm looking for my friends and then we're going to face Xaphoria as a team."

Anton smiled. "That sounds like a plan to me."

"Well what's the fun in that?" Chase Princeton approached the two with his gear activated. "I actually like that we're dueling to the death. It separates the weak from the strong."

"You're crazy!" Neji said. "We're not dueling you."

Anton sighed. "This is exactly what I mean Neji. Sometimes you just have to duel."

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