CXII. Generations Still At War (Part 1)

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The tenth Battle City Tournament finals were about to begin, but Yuko and his friends decided to pay Koji a visit before heading to the stadium. Yuko and Kenji both stood in Koji's hospital room. They sat around his bed. Koji was still out, but he looked so peaceful. Yuko had to keep himself from crying.

"I just wish he'd wake up already," Yuko said.

Kenji sighed. He hated knowing that he put Koji in this position. His anger got so out of control and he lost sight of what was important. Kenji wondered why he went so far. Being upset with Yuko couldn't have been the only reason. "I'm so sorry Yuko. I should've watched my temper."

Yuko forgave Kenji for what he did even though he still had some resentment towards his old rival. "Yeah...well all we can do now is hope for the best."

Kenji prayed that he hadn't killed Koji. It would devastate him and especially Yuko. "He'll wake up. I know he will."

"Me too."

Tammi entered the room. "Hey guys, the nurse says it's time to go."

Yuko stood up. "Alright." He placed his hand on Koji's arm. "See ya later buddy. I'll come back after Yusuke's duel."

Then the Mark of Unity began to glow a little as Yuko grew more emotional. He didn't want to leave Koji, but he knew Yusuke would want his support. The glow vanished as he moved his hand away.

"Stay strong Koji," Kenji said. He almost turned away, but he saw Koji's finger moved a little. Everyone's eyes widened. "Did you guys see that?"

Yuko smiled. "Yeah. He's going to wake up soon." He sat next to Koji again. He wanted to stay by his best friend's side until he woke up. Then he had to remind himself about Yusuke's match. Yuko frowned. "But I promised Yusuke I'd watch his match. This is the final duel."

"I can stay here with him," Tammi suggested. "Yusuke needs you and I think he'd understand if I weren't there."

"Are you sure?" Kenji asked. He wanted to wait for Koji, but he also wanted to see Ichitawa finally get defeated.

"Yeah. Only one of us can stay for a long time and I don't mind. I'll call you guys if anything happens."

Yuko hesitated. It didn't feel right to him. "But-"

"Go. Support Yusuke. He needs you guys."

Yuko sighed. "Alright. We'll come if he wakes up."

Kenji nodded and exited the room. Yuko followed, but Tammi grabbed his arm. "Wait Yuko." She leaned in and pressed her lips against his.

Yuko smiled. "What was that for?"

"I just wanted to kiss you. Dope." She replied.

"After this tournament is done, I'm taking you out," He promised.

Tammi's eyes lit up. "Our first date. I'm holding you to that Sorama."

He laughed. "Don't worry. You know I keep my promises." He opened the door. "See ya later T."

"See you later Yuko."


The arena was packed. The audience were screaming for the final Battle City match to get underway. Yuko and his friends found seats close enough to the field. Yuko wished Tammi and Koji were there see this duel with him, but at least he had Benta, Kenji, Neji, Sho, and Kira by his side.

"I can't wait for this. Yusuke can finally stop this Ichitawa creep," Yuko cheered.

Benta nodded. "Yeah. I wonder how they'll fair against each other. Yusuke's super strong, but so is Ichitawa."

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