XCIX. Battle of Hearts (Part 1)

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Central Park was filled with Yuko's friends. From his best friends: Benta, Kenji, and Koji. To his old friends: Mimi, Geno, Cambell, and Victoria. To his new friends: Sho, Neji, and Kira. Even Yusuke was there.

Yuko looked over at Tammi at the other end of the field. He was excited to duel her. They haven't had a duel since she and Benta saved him from Yoku's control a few months back. And after seeing her stand up against Xerus all by herself when he was hurt, and Benta and Kenji were unconcious. She held her own against a god. That was something Yuko really liked her for.

Yuko still had a crush on Tammi. He realized he liked her after his first encounter with Yoku. Then he lost control of his Mark of Unity and Yoku almost killed Tammi. Yuko felt terrible about it. He remembered the dreams he had when he killed Tammi and Benta. Yuko didn't want to put his friends in danger. Being with Tammi would only put her in danger.

Tammi was ready to duel Yuko. She wanted him to be for opponent for the Star Mark for a reason. It was a chance for her to prove herself. Everyone knew Tammi was a great duelist, but she felt like everyone needed to protect her. She didn't want to be protected anymore.

She knew something big would be coming and she wanted to be apart of the fight. She may not have been a pro duelist like Kenji or maybe even a Legion member like her dead brother Shun used to be, but she was an Itaru just them.

Itaru wasn't just a last name to her family. It had power to it. Her family were descendents of a powerful dragon goddess. Tammi had her own Eyes of Itara just like her brothers. She didn't need to be protected by anyone.

"It's time Yuko." Tammi pulled out her gear and activated it. Yuko followed.

"Yeah. I'm pumped! We haven't really dueled in awhile." Yuko and Tammi inserted their three Life Cards into their graveyards. The Tag Duel was registered into the Battle City Database and the Star Marks appeared on their Life Cards.

Yusuke wanted to make sure he paid close attention to Yuko's duel style. This would be the first time he'll see Yuko duel. If Yuko really is the person Yusuke's been waiting for, he was interested to see if Yuko duels with heart.

Kenji noticed Yusuke examining Yuko and Tammi. He remembered what Yusuke said to him dueling his duel about believing in the Heart of the Cards. "Yuko's the one you want. Trust me. He'll be a great opponent for you."

"I hope so. He did know Yugi after all."

Benta was curious to see who was going to win. "I haven't been this excited to see a duel since Yuko last dueled Kenji."

"Tell me about," Geno said.

"Let's hope that it doesn't end in another draw," Victoria said.

Cambell laughed. "That'll suck for them. They'd both be out of the tournament."

Mimi's eyes widened. "Well in that case. WHOOP HIS BUTT TAMMI!!"

Koji turned to Mimi. "Um okay Mimi. Tammi's losing. WHOOP HER BUTT YUKO!!"

Neji laughed. "This is going to be fun to watch."

"Sure is!! Yuko's going to be all like 'Go Tora!' Then Tammi's going to say 'Oh no you didn't!!'" Sho said.

Kira sighed, but then she smiled. Sho was just too funny. "Sure Sho. That's how it's going to go."

Yuko and Tammi drew their cards. "You ready for this?" Tammi asked.

"Let's do this T."



"I want you to go first Yuko. None of that 'Ladies first' crap you do."-Tammi

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