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"Protect me?By what making me marry someone i barely even know? I'm human. Not a Vampire." Liliana said feeling angered.

"No. You are not a human. Not after today. Liliana, tomorrow you will be a vampire. You will be blood thirsty. And for you draining one humans blood wont be enough. We have to train you. When you are in a coven, you are safe. Your mother asked us to protect you. And we will." the King said.

The court was silent.

"Did Armani ever tell you that you have a brother?" He asked.

"A-a brother? No. She never mentioned that i had one.."

"Liliana...you do. But he was taken away from your mother. When she was with Alecian...she had a son with him. Though we don't know yet if he's a threat. We haven't seen him."

"I-I g-gotta go." And with that Lily stormed out of the court and out of the building. She started running home. She wanted to be with her mother. She wanted her normal life back.

When she arrived home she went looking for her mother.
She was nowhere to be found.
Lily found a note in her room directed to her.

Liliana if your reading this, im gone. I had to leave, don't hate me darling. By now you have probably found out that you have a brother. Stay away from him. He wants me dead so thats why i left.
love, Your mother
Liliana felt a tear slip down her cheek, she quickly wipped it off.
Great now i'm all alone.
Lily went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before going to sleep. When she was done she wrapped a towel around her body and opened the bathroom door. There, she saw a person she didn't want to see.


He had a smirk on his face and his fangs out. Lily quickly came out of the bathroom and confronted him.

"What do you want?" She demanded.
One minute she was standing in the middle of her room and the next against the wall. Alecian's hands were on her waist.
Lilys eyes widened at the sudden movement.

"You." He said.

"Get away from me."

One of his hands started slipping up to her breast, and then up to her neck.

"You don't tell me what to do. You are mine. Remember that. You will always be mine. Now i wont make you mine yet. I'll wait until you fully turn." He said smirking. He slowly let go of her and took out a red bag.

"Tomorrow you will need this. Unless you want to drain someone dry. Fine with me, my love." With that he left.

The Dαяк ρяιи¢єѕѕ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now