My father had me stay home from school for the remainder of the week in order to assist in the planning of the wedding. I am supposed to meet my bride to be this afternoon. However I couldn't be any less excited.

Although I agreed to marry this woman in order to protect (f/n), I had no intention on making any effort to get to know her. This was simply a business negotiation. Nothing more than that.

I was in my room working on some paperwork my father had faxed to me when my sister came in.


"Yes? What is it Fuyumi?"

"I was just wondering why you agreed to father's proposal. I thought you loved (f/n)?"

"Whom I love has nothing to do with it."

"Of course it does! You can't marry someone you don't love!"

"Father married mother without falling in love with her beforehand. How is this any different?"

"It's different because you already have someone you love! Someone who makes you happy and cares about you!"

"This is not up for discussion Fuyumi. Whats done is done. I can't change it now."

"You're a real dumb ass sometimes Kyoya. How can you throw away what you had with (f/n) so easily?"

"I'm doing what father wishes. That is all that you need to know on the subject."

"Did father say something that made you do it?"

"What father said is irrelevant."

"Of course its relevant! If father said something that forced you to do this then you should tell (f/n) that!"

"Why would I need to do that?"

"Because how else will she understand your reasoning?"

"She doesn't need to understand my reasoning."

"Of course she does! What did father say!?"


"What did he say!?"


"Tell me what he said!"

"He threatened her! Alright!? He threatened to make her life a living hell if I didn't break our relationship! I didn't want to do it! I had to!"

"Father.............father said that?"

"Yes. Now please leave me alone."

"If you don't tell her Kyoya.....I will."


Kyoya hasn't been in school all week. Where was he? Not that I care, because I don't. He could be dead for all I care. Okay obviously I do care, but I'm not going to tell anyone that.

The entire host club has been freaking out about where Kyoya could be. Renge has been spazzing about how now the host club doesn't have a cool type and the whole operation is off balance. Honestly I don't think that's the real issue here.

Whatever is going on with Kyoya must be pretty important if hes missing school like this. He would never willingly risk his academic career for something that wasn't.

"(F/n)! Do you know where he is!?" I turned my attention to Tamaki who was genuinely concerned for the well being of the host club vice president.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea."

"Mommy! Where are you!?" oh good grief.

I let out a sigh as Haruhi, the twins and Honey-Senpai tried to console the crying king. So this is how the host club would operate without Kyoya. Seems about right.

I was about to intervene when I felt my phone vibrate. It was Fuyumi.

I stepped out into the hall and answered it, "Hello?"

"(F/n)! I have something I need to tell you."

"Alright. What is it?"

"Kyoya didn't want to break up with you!"

"What do you mean?"

"My father forced him to do it!"

"How could he have forced Kyoya to do it?"

"Father told Kyoya that if he didn't break all relations with you, he would make it so you and your family would live in poverty!"

"Are you serious? He said that?"

"Yes! Kyoya was just protecting you! He didn't want to do it! He loves you too much to do that!"

"H-he was forced to do it?"

A/N: I'm sorry for all the cliffhangers! I promise to update soon! I'm thinking of ending the story after all this is resolved, what do you think? Remember to comment and vote! Love you all!!

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