Chapter 1

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You and Cas were at the mall shopping because you managed to convince him that you needed some things: a beanie, a vest, a dress, and some shoes.

You just got up that morning and looked in the closet and said to yourself, '(y/n) you need some more clothes'.

So you called Cas and got him to go with you because what were besties for? The two of you were on the hunt for a dress, but it wasn't urgent since you only wore them to special occasions. As you were going over what kind of dress you would like Cas stopped by one of the racks.

"(Y/n), get this one." Cas said holding up the dress.

"I don't know about that one, BB." The dress had one strap that was black and the rest was a shimmering red. It looked about knee height, but since you were tall it would be shorter than that.

"But I think it would look good on you." The look on your face told him you didn't think so; he put the dress over the rack and grabbed you hands. "Babe, listen. I think you would look great in the dress and if you don't like it we'll put it back, okay?"

Cas knew about the way you felt about your body. He knows some days you liked  the way your body looked and some days you didn't. How self-conscious you were about your thighs that were thick, stomach that was a little chubby, and your arms that weren't toned and had stretch marks. So you knew he meant every word he said.


"Okay, now go back there and knock 'em dead girl." He pushes you towards the dressing rooms.

You felt that the problems you had with your body wasn't as serious as other people's. And you disliked when others put themselves down because you believed that everyone was beautiful, but all that did was made you a hypocrite.

Cas only knows about your body issues because you've known each other basically your whole lives and he never let you escape without knowing what's wrong.

But what he doesn't know is that you don't find yourself beautiful. Yeah, you go out and you see guys look or stare at you, but they don't say anything to you. You always hear how tall guys only want short girls and how short guys would want a tall girl, but they go with short ones; so that way if you could reach something they could't they won't be embarrassed.

After you put on the dress you looked in the mirror, you decided Cas was right (as always). The dress came to a little above your knee as you predicted.

When you put your hand on the handle to show Cas the dress there were two voices instead of the one you were expecting. Wonder who he's talking too.

Door opened you pop out with a loud, "what do you think?"

Cas' and the guy he was talking to heads whipped around towards you. Cas' face broke into that big crooked smile you've told him he should wear more often.

"You look great and you didn't believe me." You kept the grin on your face as your eyes slid to the guy he was talking too.

Green eyes roam over your body as the grin on your face slipped. You crossed your arms over your stomach and continued to logo at him. His green orbs slid up to your (y/e/c) ones. Cas noticed what was happening and elbowed the guy. He cleared his throat and snapped his eyes away.

"(Y/n) this is Dean, Dean this (y/n)."

You avoided Dean's eyes but you're pretty sure he looked at you with a nod.

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