Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Megan's POV

I blinked awake, the harsh sunlight burning against my eyelids. I felt really groggy, and like I had been asleep for a year. I recalled the memory of last night, but I could only remember up until I had taken the water from Erik.

I realized suddenly that I was leaning against something, and I had my head on someone's shoulder. I sat up quickly and discovered that the someone was Erik, who was still sleeping quite soundly. He seemed to lose ten years of age while he slept, all the worry out of his face. He was supported by a tree, his legs were crossed at the ankles, his head loose to one side. I barely managed to stifle a giggle at how funny he looked, and peaceful. Who just so happens to be a wanted murderer. I told the little voice in my head to shut up, knowing that my consious was right. I decided to let him sleep, and I wondered why the hell we were inside a forest, and had apparently slept there last night.

I shook dry leaves from my hair and tried, unsuccessfully, I might add, to untangle the hopeless knots that had manifested in my curls. There was a slight breeze to rustle the swaying branches on the trees that loomed around me.  Sunlight shone through the canopy, creating a blanket of warmth that I welcomed.

This November weather had been completely crazy, one day as cold as Antarctica, the next pleasent and warm. I absentmindedly wondered how we had managed to find woods in the middle of New York. I added that to my seemingly endless list of questions to ask Erik when he woke up.

I thought I heard the rushing water of a stream nearby, so I wandered off a few feet to search for it. A minute or so later, I was splashing in the river, rinsing off a week's worth of dirt and grit. I lied down in the shallow stream, letting the water wash away all of the grime, and feeling the liquid whoosh around my ears. The forest seemed to create a big song, with the ceaseless chirps of birds, the disturbing of leaves, the crunch of animals walking around the forest floor.

After a few minutes, I got up out of the cool stream and sat down on a sun-warmed rock nearby. Since there was no one around but Erik, and he was sound asleep against an oak tree, I peeled off my layers of shirts. First, the tattered jacket, which was definately beyond saving. Next came my ratty T-shirt that had holes torn in it, undoubtedly from the bullet. I finally took off my flip-flops and jeans, leaving me in nothing but my tank top and boxer shorts. Yes, I said boxer shorts. They're much more comfortable than the other, and plus, they were purple, my favorite color. As my clothes dried in the sun, I arched my back into a stretch I was sure I had needed for quite sometime. I felt my tank lift a little, exposing a little sliver of skin above my shorts. I really needed to get new clothes. I sat down on the edge of the bank and dipped my toes into the cold water. I dug my feet into the sand on the bottom, watching intently as little silver fish darted in and out of the underwater plants that had grown. I sighed and leaned up against a rock, jumping away as the hot surface burned my skin. I tried again, more gingerly this time, and slowly lowered myself against the rock once more.

I relaxed and looked toward the parts of the sky that weren't completely covered by the canopy of leaves above. I watched silently as the clouds skirted across the sky, puffy white cottonballs in the baby blue expanse of space. They looked like you could just jump on top of them and bounce right back up, like a trampoline. I knew this wasn't true, however, one can dream, can't they? I was startled by a twig breaking, just like in the movies, and whipped around to see Erik standing no more than ten feet away from me. I could see red rising in his cheeks and wondered dumbly why, and then it dawned on me that I was freaking half-naked.

Damn it! I thought.

"Uh, hi." Great, was that the best I could come up with?!

"Good...morning, Megan." he managed to squeak out. He was trying hard to keep his eyes on my face, I could tell. I smiled to myself. So, he was easily embarrassed? Good. I locked this fact away for further usage. I thanked God that I was at least wearing a tank top and shorts.

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