Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: I hope that you haven't forgotten about our beloved Felicity Anne, have you? *evil grin*

Chapter Eighteen

Alice's POV

After we had cautiously gotten to know each other a little better, Chase and I stood up, and walked toward the exit. The bell jingled annoyingly as I pushed the door open, eager to see how he was going to help me find Megan.

Woah. Let me back up there for a second.

Okay, so you know how Chase knows about Megan for some reason? Well, he told me that they had met before, and they were friends. (Although I did see him wince when he said 'friends', but whatever.) So, he had offered to help me find her! How nice was that? Chase wasn't a nice person, but he didn't come across as particularly mean to me, either. He seemed a little secretive, though, especially when I asked him about his past. That stubborn man- er, I suppose he was more of a boy, seeing as to how he was fifteen- wouldn't utter a single word!

I paused, unsure as to where we were headed. Sensing my puzzlement, Chase directed me to his car. I stopped just as I grabbed onto the handle, and I laughed in spite of myself. Here I was, getting into a car with a strange guy who I had met a mere thirty minutes ago!

I shrugged to myself and climbed in.

"Wait a second, aren't you not old enough to be driving yet?"

Chase shot a glare at me. "Well, I certainly look older than fifteen, don't I? And I believe that with  my extensive vocabulary, I could fool anyone who ever knew me. Or didn't know me." he said cryptically. I sighed. Guys were so confusing!

Despite my protests, he started the car anyway and soon enough we were on the road.

"Where are we going?"

"You shall see." He said. What the heck? Who says 'shall' anymore?! I crossed m legs and decided to concentrate on the various advertisements for different musicals that were on Broadway. I counted five posters for Wicked, seven for Phantom of the Opera (which is my favorite. Hey, don't judge! Everyone has an obsession. Mine just happens to be musicals!) and one of each for Rent, Chicago, and Les Miserables.

Soon, Chase pulled into a small parking lot. I looked out of the window in shock. We were at Gabriella's apartment building!

"What are we doing at Gabriella's apartment building?" I asked. Chase's eyebrows shot up in confusion.

"Who? I'm at Jake's apartment building."

"Oh. My friend Gabriella lives here...maybe we could see her after you see Jake? Please?" He rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I suppose that would cause no harm to me."

"I mean, her sister died two days ago, so she's probably a wreck." Chase stopped in the middle of getting out of the car.

"What did you say?"

I repeated my earlier statement.

I watched curiously as conflicting emotions passed across his face.

"That's rather odd. I knew of someone planning a murder on her friend, but I never suspected they would target her..." He mumbled to himself.

"What?! You knew that someone was planning a freaking murder, and you just went with it?!"

He didn't reply. It seems that I had struck a nerve, and apparently a secret that he was hiding as well. I decided that I would pry it out of him later. Now was not the time. I needed to find Megan, and to see Gabriella as well.

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