Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Megan's POV

We had arrived at a dingy hotel about three days ago. The hours sort of melted together, endless minutes of staring at a wall or, when I'm extremely bored, trying new hairstyles with a new brush that Erik had bought me a couple of days ago, as I had lost my purple bag in the plane wreck. That's what I was currently doing, brushing and slowly untangling a week's worth of knots. I sat cross-legged on the soft bed, the springs bouncing a bit as I shifted slightly. We were in the nicest room of the hotel, a gigantic suite that could have housed ten people. Instead, it was only accommodating the three of us. Erik was now splayed across his bed that was a few feet away from mine. It was an awkward length, one that you couldn't quite jump from bed to bed, but one too short to make a good body bridge across it. I knew this because I had actually tried one time while Erik was out, and Lucas had sat on an armchair, laughing along with me as I overshot the bed slightly and ended up tangled in the covers. As of now, Erik was arguing on the phone with one of the hotel employees.

"So you're telling me that you won't tell me who all is staying in this hotel?"

I heard a muffled reply, and he was back to yelling. "Fine! But don't expect a tip from me when you come up with room service!" Erik slammed the phone back down on the receiver, and he huffed and crossed his arms. I laughed behind my hand that was covering my mouth. "What's so funny?" he asked indignantly.

I giggled. "Nothing. it was just that your yelling was not justified, not really."

"What do you mean 'not justified'? I have a perfectly legitimate reason-"

"You think a legitimate reason is so that you can spy on everyone to make sure that they're not a threat to us. Because apparently everyone is either out to murder me or kidnap me." I smirked at him before running a hand through my now smooth hair. I frowned when it caught in a tangle at the bottom and I reached for the brush. Erik covered his face with his hands.

"Well, excuse me for caring about your safety and well-being."

I nodded. "You're excused." I laughed at the expression on his face.

"Nice one!" yelled Lucas from the kitchenette where he was stuffing his face with cookies I had made earlier. I smiled to myself and continued my thorough inspection of my dark hair. I decided that they were beginning to be too long, the longest strand coming to a rest around the top of my thigh.

"Hey, Erik, do we have any scissors?" I watched as he produced a pair of scissors out of nowhere. Did he just have every kind of weapon shoved up his sleeve? I took them from his hands and walked to the bathroom so i could see what I was doing. I don't know much about cutting hair, but enough so that I wouldn't make a complete disaster of it. I took one last look at my hair before cutting it into framing layers. Now, it hung to the small of my back, right above my butt. Perfect! I tossed the scissors back on the counter and sashayed out of the bathroom. I tossed my hair dramatically, coming to a stop right before Erik's bed. "Notice anything different?" I asked.

I felt my face burn as he examined me up and down. He frowned and said, "You're getting too skinny. I can practically see your ribs through that shirt!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "No, you dummy, I cut my hair. Do you not remember me asking for the scissors?"

He looked at me again, and he instructed me to turn around. I did as he was told, and I nearly screamed as I felt his hands brush my hair aside. I hadn't even heard him get out of his bed! I felt him mess with my curls a bit before backing away, as if to admire his work. "What is it?" I asked.

"Turn around."

I turned to face him, and I realized that he had pulled a bit of my hair up in the barrette from a few days ago. I smiled at him and fingered the rose that adorned the metal bar. "Thanks. I didn't know that you knew about hair." I said jokingly.

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