Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Erik's POV

I leaned out from my concealed spot behind the restaurant, if you could even call it that. Taco Bell was not exactly the greatest place to be hiding behind in the world. I wrinkled my nose at the stale tacos that an employee had just dumped into the garbage can a mere fifteen feet away. I shook my head and directed my attention back to Megan Day. My unusually golden eyes widened in surprise when I saw the red that tainted her navy blue jacket. Then I started seething, vowing to kill whoever had done this to her. And I would literally kill them, too, if I could find out who had done this.

My head shot up suddenly as I heard shouts, and saw a figure running towards Megan. I growled and leapt to my feet, ready to dash across the street in order to help the half asleep teenager, but stopped myself as the man blew right past her, or so it seemed. I squinted in the dimly lit alley and managed to make out Megan, apparently dazed, swaying slightly on her feet as she clutched at her right shoulder. Blast whoever had made her like this! I grumbled quite an impressive array of curses and threats toward her assailant. I had no idea, of course, that it would be Him.

I watched silently as Megan wound her way along the narrow sidewalk, tripping and stumbling periodically. As she took a tumble for the twentieth time (or so it appeared), I stood up abruptly and began to walk briskly and silently towards her, my feet seemed to glide across the choppy pavement. I halted as I neared the sidewalk across from her, and I dropped behind, effortlessly blending into the darkness and shadow. For some reason, an old poem came back to me, bringing unwelcome memories with it.

Twisted every way, what answers can I give

Guide me, save me, teach me to live

As long as the night stays dark

And the day still sparks

I'll be twisted every way.

***************Alice's POV**************

"How's this look?" asked Gabriella as she twirled around in jeans and a pale green long-sleeved shirt that brought out her eyes, acting as though she was wearing a beautiful prom dress or something.

"Fine, now let's get going!" I exclaimed. We had sat here for fifteen minutes trying to decide what to wear. Or, what Gabriella was going to wear, that is.She didn't normally care this much about her look. Why start now? I grabbed her arm and started to lead her, still protesting, to my pink Jetta. Pink's my favorite color. I just look so good in it, you know? Anyway, I finally managed to shove her into the seat and we drove off to pick up McKayla. We were now going to Taco Bell, Gabriella's favorite fast food place. Not that she liked many fast food places, being a track star and a soccer player. Gabriella was pretty normal, besides the fact that she's short, maybe three or four inches shorter than Megan and me. Despite her height, however, that girl can run. She can outrun McKayla, Megan, and me without even breaking a sweat. Absentmindedly, I wondered what color she was going to dye her hair next. Her older sister, Violet, had long, dark brown hair that reached her waist. I guessed this is what Gabriella's hair must have looked like before she had left it to the mercy of chemicals and peroxide.

We arrived at McKayla's apartment shortly. She waved at us from her perch on the balcony, her long blonde hair bouncing with her hand. She's hyper, like, all the time. It was a wonder she concentrated long enough to curl or straighten her naturally wavy hair. Why are all of my friends so pretty? I need to get uglier friends.

I studied McKayla as she ran to our car, waving wildly, I couldn't help grinning. She would do that to you. Make you smile, that is, no matter what mood you're in. I patted the seat in the back, indicating her spot. Not like she needed a reminder. We always rode in the same seats, every Friday, and we had since I had turned sixteen. Me driving, Gabriella in the passenger seat, McKayla in the seat behind me, and Megan behind Gabriella. We had already decided to not bother Megan. We thought it was for the best, seeing as to how she had been in a car wreck just a few days earlier.

The drive to Taco Bell was fairly silent, save for the occasional anecdote from McKayla or Gabriella commenting on how she had scored better on her science test than Violet had. A million honks and a few minutes later, we pulled into the back of the restaurant. I blinked as I thought I saw a person, but the shape disappeared quickly. Probably just some creep stalking Taco Bell for leftovers or something. We walked into the fast food place, McKayla giggling hysterically from her latest tale. I ordered my usual, and we settled down at a booth to laugh at the stupid things we said.

Later, as we walked out, I could have sworn I saw something gold flashing from the window.


A/N: Short chapter, sorry, but it fit the mood. Suspense! :D I OWN THE POEM. I DO NOT OWN TACO BELL. Rememer to vote, and share with friends!    

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