Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Megan's POV

Erik somehow maneuvered the small plane down onto an uninhabited part of the beach, away from anyone that could see us. He hopped out of his side of the plane and came around to mine, where, much to my embarrassment again, he lifted me from the seat down to the ground. "Thanks." I mumbled. I heard him laugh.

"Don't sound so irritated about it." he said jokingly. I smiled despite myself, and I could feel sweat forming on my back. I was still in jeans and a shirt, and it was super hot at the beach, even in November. Crazy weather, I'm telling you.

Erik must have noticed my discomfort, for he pulled out fifty bucks from seemingly nowhere and gave it to me, directing me to a shop along the boardwalk. I thanked him with a wide grin and practically sprinted to the little store.

I was greeted by bare feet and a sandy floor. The beach wind tousled my hair, blowing the curls everywhere. There was no one in the shop, except for a bored-looking teenager with windswept blonde hair and a shark tooth necklace. Pretty much exactly how you would expect a surfer boy to look. He eyed me warily as I examined all of the super cute bathing suits that were there. Making a brave decision, I decided to go for a bikini this time. I mean, I guess I could've worn one before, since I wasn't fat, but I just never had time to go swimming anywhere.

After much debate, I chose a strapless, black and with chevron-patterned bikini top with sold black bottoms. It was really cute. After checking the price tag, I discovered that I still had twenty dollars left. I picked out a neon pink surfer's tank, one that had the armholes cut down to my belly button. 

I paid for the items and found a bathroom, where I changed hastily, sliding on first the swimsuit, and then the shirt over it, leaving me in the shirt and the bottoms visible. After examining every inch of my appearance, I dubbed myself ready. I grabbed my old clothes and headed back towards where I knew Erik was waiting.

When I reached the plane, I walked around to the other side to find him staring intently at a scratch on the left wing. I watched in amusement for a little bit, before getting his attention. "Erik! Thanks for letting me change! I appreciate it." I chuckled as he jumped at the sound of me, apparently not having realized that I had been standing there for quite some time.

"Oh, thank God it's you, that scared-" he cut off for a second and a weird look came into his eyes. I blushed as he looked me up and down, though for what reason I do not know.

"Umm... are you alright?" I asked hesitantly. He averted his eyes and brought a hand up to his neck. He's quite adorable when he's embarrassed. Well, as adorable as a killer can get. Whoa, what am I saying? That this guy is adorable? What's going on in my head?

"Yes, I'm good." Erik replied finally.

I gasped as an idea suddenly came into my head. "Oh my gosh, Erik, can we go swimming? Oh, please, please, please, please, please! I've not gotten to swim in forever. Plus, we're about to run for our lives. Can I please have just a bit of fun before we risk our lives?" I pleaded with him.

He looked unsure for a second, but sighed and said, "Well, I suppose. If it would truly make you happy."

My eyes lit up and I smiled. "Oh, thank you, thank you, Erik!" I gave him a quick hug and sprinted toward the water, pulling off my shirt as I went. I turned to see if Erik was following, but was disappointed that he was still by the plane, probably still in shock that I hugged him. Impatiently, I ran back towards him, tossed my shirt on the wing of the plane, and more or less dragged him to the water.

"I would highly suggest letting go." said Erik.

I laughed. "No way. Now get in the water before I have to throw you!" He groaned and stood there stubbornly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed him, dragging him to the water. I shivered as the cold water ran over my toes, but laughed in delight when I saw that I now longer had to drag Erik, for he had finally given in and was in the process of taking off his shirt. Without waiting, I turned and splashed rather ungracefully through the water until I was in about four feet deep, my head poking over the water. I stopped and let the sand squeeze through my toes, and I turned around to motion for Erik to join me, but I didn't see him. Confused, I turned around again, but I still had no sight.

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