Chapter Fifteen

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Super speedy A/N: First of all, I can't believe I'm already at Chapter Fifteen! I've come a long way. I want to thank everyone whose reading this and voting/commenting. It means a lot to me! And don't worry, there's plenty left to this story. I do not intend to end it suddenly. Also, I hope ya'll don't mind the cover/title change! It fit better, at least I think. Okay, so, now, chapter fifteen, ladies and gentlemen! :)

Chapter Fifteen

Megan's POV

I collapsed onto my familiar bed at Erik's house, eternally grateful to be free at last from the evening's events.

"Call me if you need anything. I'll be in the music room. I do hope I don't disturb you." came Erik's quiet voice from the hallway.

I nodded and thanked him profusely, but he waved away my thanks. He shut my door quietly, and I could hardly hear his footsteps as he padded down the hallway. I dove underneath the covers, not even bothering to take my shoes off. I wasn't hungry, either.

I snuggled underneath the fuzzy sheets and closed my eyes, surrendering to the realm of sleep that I had so longed for.

***Erik's POV***

After I closed Megan's door, I decided that I would grab a book from my library first, perhaps some tea.

I didn't sleep much, anyway. Normally around four hours or so was all I really needed.

When I reached the room which held all of my books, I pondered for a moment before selecting a title in Italian.

It lay next to a nonfiction book written in Arabic, and next to that one, one in German. I believe that I speak around... oh, I don't know...maybe twenty launguages or so? I've always had too much free time, and so when music wasn't able to distract me, learning a new language or two would certainly help.

I slid into my favorite armchair, a high-backed seat decorated in monotones of black, with a shade of red somewhere in the shimmering fabric that covered it. I nearly yelled in surprise when I heard a muffled "Hmmph!" from beneath me.

I shot up, and realized that I had just sat on something. Or, I suppose, someone.

Lo and behold, Chase materialized in front of my eyes, his dark hair in disarray, sticking up all over his head, and he blinked the sleep out of his eyes slowly.

I tapped my foot impatiently and narrowed my eyes at him in a cold gaze, which paired with the color of my eyes, made me appear very frightening, indeed. I waited for an explanation.

Chase looked up at me in alarm, as if he had just noticed that I was there.

" didn't mean know, I kind of fell asleep, and...yeah." he managed to stutter out.

I was seething. I switched my voice to my soft, dangerous tone that had been the last thing that several people had heard before they were killed. "And just why, Chase, are you inside my home without permission? Please, enlighten me." I fixed my stare right into his eyes. Chase looked away quickly, tugging at a strand of hair while he decided on what to say. It was incredibly annoying. I could see the debate that was undoubtedly going on in his terrified thoughts. That boy has always been quite afraid of me, and he certainly should be. I was incredibly surprised when he had addressed me so calmly earlier when in Megan's presence.

I watched, slightly amused, although still dangerously angry, as Chase's eyes flitted nervously across the study. He attempted to make himself appear intimidating, although he absolutely failed miserably.

"If you don't mind me asking, monsieur Mulheim," I flinched as he spoke in my native French. His accent was really quite atrocious. "Why are you housing and caring for this girl who we both know very well what we have to do?" He narrowed his eyes, becoming somewhat brave.

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