⚔Chapter 17- Explaining and Broken Hearts⚔

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"Amore.. I have to tell you something.. It's about us.."

She froze and her eyes were full of fear.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

Can you just get straight to the point and not scare her? Santino said with irritation.

Yeah.. Why do you need to scare our mate like that? Dante whimpered.

What's wrong guys? I need a little suspense with my mate okay? Orlando said.

"Amore, I am an Werewitchpyre. Half witch, half wolf, half vampire and half angel and.. Probably Evangeline would be one too.. That's why you and our daughter have to be careful. Since you recently shifted and your wolf is a queen, everyone will want your power.." Orlando said with worry lacing his voice.

Her eyes widened.

"H-how did you know that I have the mark?" She asked as her eyes widened with horror.

He smiled.

She's so cute!

"Your brother told me amore." He said with a smile.

She looked at her brother with a growl.

"You told him?!? That was suppose to be my part! Figlio di un! La prossima volta fratello, chiudere la bocca. Soprattutto quando si parte mia, per dire." She growled at Leonardo.

Orlando's eyes widen.

Did she just..

Yeah she did.. Since she's an angel and a wolf, she can't control her emotions. Dante said.

"La mia regina, listen to my voice Piccolo lupo. Calm down, love." He said as he hugged Francesca.

When he hugged her. He closed his eyes and focused on her energy.

There were multiple strings at her energy, some blue, red, violet, white, to name a few. When he saw that single white string, he tugged on it with his energy and almost immediately, Francesca and her tense body calmed down.

He opened his eyes when a soft whimper make its way to his ears.

He saw that Francesca looked at him with a pout.

He groaned.

"L'amore, non mettere il broncio. Si gira su di me." He said with a pained tone.

Mate with her!! Giovanni, Dante, Lucca,and Santino growled with a pleading tone.

She smirked and her eyes change her black ones into her silver eyes, indicating that her wolf, Renata took over.

"Voglio che tu a portarmi qui, proprio ora, amore, forte e veloce." She said, her voice velvety, soft, and seductive.

He groaned again.

"Renata, voglio duro e veloce, ma, Francesca. I have to have permission from her.." Orlando whispered as he try to control his wolf.

"Orlando. Would you not like to do it? I mean.." Renata trailed off as she brush herself on his shoulder.

"Renata, my queen, please give back her control.." He begged.

She pouted.

"Please?" Orlando pouted.

She huffed.


"You need to explain everything to me Orlando Ricco Alessandrini. Starting from your name." She said, her voice void from any emotions.

"Amore. I need to lie because.. Well.. I was scared of loosing you if you knew who I really was. I don't want to lose you.. I don't want to be rejected again.. I don't want to feel the pain I felt before. I almost died.. I'm sorry amore.."

When he looked at her, her eyes were still void from any emotions.

"Still, you lied to me. You lied Orlando. What's a relationship without trust? It isn't love at all. Leave, I don't want to see you for a while." She ordered.

His heart broke into a million pieces. His wolf, vampire, witch, and angel howled and cry from pain.

"Okay, I understand Ms. Faye. I will leave your territory by dawn. I am sorry for my presence." Orlando said professionally.
Francesca nodded.

"Clean this mess!" She ordered.

Everyone immediately followed her order, scrambling to clean the whole surprise he just made for her.

"You messed up big time Orlando. You just broke my sister's heart." Leonardo shook his head.

"Buona fortuna nel fare di lei con voi." Leonardo whispered as he brush passed him.

I fucked up big time.


Hey guys!! Sorry for not updating 3 days ago!! And sorry if this chapter is short as heck!! Sorryy!!! Guys!! We have 3.94k reads!! OH MY GOSH!! Another 3k reads and we're the same level as the original (crappy) version of Alpha's Little Angel!! October 26 will be our exam week which sucks. Anyways, see you wolves sooner or later!!

~N u t e l l a

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