♂Chapter 14- Seeing Her♂

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Four years passed, four heart breaking, mind wrecking, eye stained years. After Lucas rejected Francesca, he got weaker, reckless, and most of all, he got restless. Sebastian, his wolf ignored him after the rejection. He could just imagine his wolf with his ear flattened, tail not moving, eyes filled with sadness, whimpering at the lost of his mate and his body turned back to Lucas.

The first two years were easy on Lucas, he kept on fucking girls in different country, drinking until he remembered nothing that night, clubbing to the fullest. But after those good times, he felt the pain. The very pain Francesca felt when he had sex with other girls and he got three girls pregnant.

Xavier Feo Smith, his first born, Tanya Smith, his second born and Raphael Victor Smith his little angel. They were more like triplets because they were born on the same year and month but different date. Sadly, he killed the mothers of his mistake of a children.

His pack, Divine Caine Pack, grew weak together with their Alpha. His pack members were silently complaining of how their Alpha lived. For four years, he searched far and wide for Francesca, it took him four years to find her, four years that he tried to apologize to her.

"Alpha. We found her near by the bay only 10 towns away." Beta Andrew said, bowing his head at his Alpha.

Lucas who was tipsy from the wine he drank immediately snap out from his drunken state and immediately jumped out from his seat.

"You've found her? How?!" Lucas asked with wide eyes.

"The scouts were patrolling across our border when they smelled the scent you described to them and one of them apparently chased the scent and found her Alpha." Omega Faith said, keeping it professional.

Lucas nodded.

"Leave, I need to get myself together to see her." He mumbled as he headed to his bathroom.

Few Hours Later

Lucas came out wearing a grey v neck shirt, a silver like jacket, blue faded jeans and his grey converses. It took him hours to find the perfect outfit for this occasion.

Sebastian? We're gonna see Francesca.. Lucas whispered lowly at his wolf.

Mate.. Pup.. Was only Sebastian's reply.

Mate? Pup? Sebastian, we already have pups with some three whores that I fucked with.. But a mate? Its been four years since we rejected her.

Mate has a pup.. She has a pup.. Sebastian whispered.

Lucas' eyes widened.

Francesca has a pup? How? She isn't mated to anyone yet.. The scouts said her scent didn't changed...

Pup.. His... Sebastian whispered as he disappeared into the depths of his mind. Leaving Lucas confused.

"Alpha, we must leave now." Omega Faith said.

Lucas nodded.

"Get my baby ready and get your cars ready too." He commanded.

"Yes Alpha." Faith said as she excited his room.

Seconds later his red Lamborghini Veneno Roadster was in front of him. Together with a metallic violet and a gold Lamborghini Aventador.

"Nice car Beta Andrew. Very nice selection." He said with a smile as he let his hand touch the surface of Andrew's car.

"Thank you Alpha. Your car is quite an eye catcher to be the honest." Andrew said smiling at the roaring beast that is in front of him.

Faith coughed and placed both of her hands on her hips.

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