♀Chapter 13- Undying Pain♀

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"I am an Alpha of the Divine Caine Pack and I don't do love little angel." He said as he glare at Francesca.

"B-but I'm your mate, we're suppose to love each other, cherish-" She was cut off when Lucas slapped her.

"As I've said little angel. I don't do love. I fuck." He snapped at her.

She felt a large pang on her right cheek and in her heart.

He doesn't want me. She thought as she held her tears.

She looked at him, almost pleading. "Y-you're lying.."

He smirked.

"Trust me. I'm not." He pulled a blond girl who just walked by and slammed his lips to hers.

She closed her eyes, not wanting to see them torridly kissing.

He pulled away from the blond girl and looked at Francesca. 

"I, Lucas Evan Smith , reject you Francesca Althea Faye as my Luna and mate." He said with no emotions.

She stifled a scream.

She smiled weakly. "I, Francesca Althea Faye, accept your rejection Lucas."

Lucas' eyes widened.

Her vision starts to slowly fade and only these words are on her mind.

Thank you.


"Welcome back my dear." The Moon Goddess said.

She felt pain all over her body, especially her heart.

"Why did he reject me? Did I do something wrong? Was I not worthy for-" She was immediately cut off by the Moon Goddess speaking.

"Darling. Don't you even dare say that. I matched you guys up. I, the Moon Goddess don't make mistakes in pairing people." The Moon Goddess let out a small but fierce growl.

Francesca shrunk back, bowing her head in submission.

"There are just people who don't appreciate my work. Like that ex mate of yours. Just because Leanne died he pushed everyone out. Ugh! It's just too frustrating! And just because I gave him the title of Alpha and the most feared pack in the world doesn't mean.. Ugh!!"

Francesca froze.

"L-leanne?.. Leanne Thompson?" She asked with wide eyes.

The Moon Goddess looked at her with a knowing smile.

"Yes my little angel. The same Leanne Thompson you once knew. The very same." The Moon Goddess smiled and projected what happened with her best friend, Leanne.

She saw a small grey wolf which she knows very well, being chased by a huge midnight black wolf.

They kept running around in circles, howling.

She closed her eyes for a brief moment and opened it again.

She saw that the midnight black wolf was looking at Leanne with love and adoration.

She looked away.

He didn't looked at me like that when he found me. She thought.

She looked at her pale hands.

Am I not perfect?

Those questions were running around her head.

Then she heard a painful howl.

His Little Angel (Revising)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora