Chapter 39. - Freaked out.

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Chapter 39. – Freaked out.

The door burst open and Arthur span his head round to face the door, spotting Mordred and Merlin, “About time!!” he yelled as the candle dropped from his hands. Mordred ran further into the room as Merlin’s eyes flashed golden slowing time and Mordred caught the candle as he dived for it, landing on the dusty floor the candle in his hands. He sighed in relief. But it wasn’t over yet the ghost of the children grew so angry that they shone in the darkness like the white heart of a roaring fire while the dark figure consumed the room in her darkness. Without even thinking Mordred began to cast a spell, Ewch yn ôl at y tywyllwch y isfyd. Peidiwch byth i ddychwelyd byth i aflonyddu. I achub ein brenin rhaid i chi ddychwelyd, yn mynd.” He said and the ghost disapperated on the spot. Mordred placed the candle down on the table and turned to face Merlin and Arthur. Arthur glared at Mordred with a look of pure loathing. “You have magic?!” Arthur said, the hatred clear in his voice. Mordred nodded before lowering his head.

Arthur sighed and moved to walk out of the room, snatching a sword from Mordred’s belt as they left the room. They entered into the dark corridor, stepping over the dead corpse of the spider. They went up the staircases in silence until they came across their next the challenge the werewolf. “Oh no! Not you again!” Merlin groaned.

“Oh look! You brought a snack. They can watch you die Merlin and then the blonde one can be the main course and the one with curly black hair can be the dessert.” The werewolf snarled turning into the full form of the wolf. Guttural snarls and growls echoed through the corridor. “This blonde one has a name!” Arthur growled lowly as he advanced on the werewolf, “And you’ll have to get through me to get to Merlin.”

“And through me to get through Arthur.” Mordred snarled stepping beside Arthur, his sword raised. The werewolf circled them and snapped his jaws, warning them saliva dipping onto the floor. “Don’t let him bite you.” Merlin warned. “You’ll turn into a werewolf.”

“You don’t say Merlin!!!” Arthur retorted as he dodged the wolf as it’s teeth came close to biting Arthur’s arm. Arthur swiped his sword at the wolf, but the wolf dodged it just in time.

“There’s only one way to get at him!” Mordred called after five minutes of hard core fighting, dodging another attack from the huge wolf.

“Oh yeah?” Arthur called back swinging his sword in a arc towards the wolf, which dodged the blade again.

“Yeah! I’ll distract him and you stab it!” Mordred replied before moving towards the wolf.

“Mordred don’t!!!” Arthur yelled but Mordred wouldn’t be persuaded now. He moved towards the wolf and yelled: “Over here you great furry muttant!!!” the wolf turned to face Mordred and Arthur stabbed it from the side piercing right through the rib cage. The wolf snarled and roared in pain before dropping dead, a cloud of dust rising into the air. “Mordred?” Arthur called as he and Merlin waited for the dust to clear. A silhouetted figure staggered around the corpse of the wolf and reached them. Arthur and Merlin grinned, however, they soon noticed the large bite mark on Mordred’s arm.

Mordred dropped to his knees in front of Arthur and spread his arms widely, his voice already deepening into snarls and growls. “DO it!!! KILL me!!! Quickly!!! I don’t want TO become THAT!!!!” he said, tears sparkling in his eyes as he knelt there. His expression a mirror of pain.

“No.” Arthur replied.

“Do it please!!! Before I change!!!” Mordred said. “You have no choice!!! I’ll just become that and I’LL kill!!!”

“He’s right sire.” Merlin said.

“Shut up Merlin!!!” Arthur yelled, “There must be some way!!! A cure!!!!”

“There is not.” Mordred and Merlin replied. Arthur sighed, glancing at Mordred, tears starting to fill his eyes. “If you won’t do it lend me your sword and I’ll do it myself. My final WISH please ARTHUR!!!!” Mordred said, fur started to grow down his arms and neck. His teeth sharpened and grew, his mouth turning into a snout. Arthur raised his sword and plunged it deep into Mordred’s chest. Blood seeped across the red fabric of his cloak. “Thank you.” Mordred whispered before collapsing, dead.  

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