People underestimating you

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K so when we turn 12 or a tween were obviously not a kid anymore (part kid tho) Teenagers or adults start underestimating us.

'You're too small to do that'
'Not strong enough'
'You're not allowed to do that'

Excuse you! These are all stereotypes!

Other 12 year olds have did this DOSENT mean we do also,some are mature some are childish.
NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME,so stop judging and underestimating us!

Uhh.Every relative we have over is like oh hello dear could you sign me up in this social media,oh wait I'll ask your sister! -_-

Like heloo we can also do things.

Or the time when you're mother thinks you couldn't handle money...annnd gives it to your older sibling or doesn't give you at all.

Yes,I know people my age that are EXTREMELYYY childish,no offence coz we all are,no one is NOT A KID,coz we our selves are,wait..that DIDINT make sense.


So ya stop underestimating us,I know super short rant but more chapters coming your way soon.

Confessions of a 12 year oldWhere stories live. Discover now