30 day journaling challenge

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😄 › day 1:
five things that make you happy and why

💪🏼 › day 2:
something you feel strongly about

📖 › day 3:
a book you love

📍› day 4:
bullet your whole day

🌴 › day 5:
your dream vacation

🎧 › day 6:
your thoughts on mainstream music

😾 › day 7:
five pet peeves

🍕 › day 8:
what you ate today

📚 › day 9:
how important you think education is

😂 › day 10:
five amazing comebacks

🏙 › day 11:
your "before i die" bucket list

💑 › day 12:
your celebrity crush(es)

❤️ › day 13:
your family and your favorite things about them

🤔 › day 14:
your horoscope and if you think it fits your personality

💭 › day 15:
something you always think "what if..." about

👏🏼 › day 16:
something you're proud of

👥 › day 17:
if you were stuck on an island with one person, who would it be and why

💁🏻 › day 18:
five things weird about yourself

✏️ › day 19:
if you could be the main character of any book, what book and why

🎬 › day 20:
favorite movie ever

🏋🏻 › day 21:
if you had a super power, what would it be and why

🏆 › day 22:
what is the most valuable thing you own?

🎾 › day 23:
what is one thing you wish you were good at?

👯 › day 24:
what you look for in a friend

💬 › day 25:
a quote you try to live by

👧🏼 › day 26:
your favorite childhood memory

🎄 › day 27:
your favorite holiday

🌸 › day 28:
your favorite smell

💉 › day 29:
your dream job and why

👩‍👩‍👦 › day 30:
what you look forward to in life

Credits: @ateensguide on Instagram

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