Remember Sunflower? Diary Vlog,Meeting 10 year olds and bad food??

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Hey Guys! If you have a great memory you might remember sunflower (the 15 year old I met)
I actually made a chapter on that aka formal dinners..
She is my mums friends daughter.

I'm currently in this new city visiting.
So sunflower and my mothers friend invited us to come to their house..

And they are in the house I am staying in picking us up.
She is currently playing with my sister tickling her...And I'm laughing and making a lot of spelling mistakes..Don't worry I would edit this afterwords! Lol

Okay I will update this afterward aka when I get back at the house I'm staying in guys!! I literally wanna update this part and make a part 2 but the internet is crappy so..


I'm only writing this chapter cause I just took a hot shower and I was tired as hell but now I'm relaxed.

I would've probably end up writing this part tomorrow,and the chapter wouldn't be good cause I would forget half of the things..
Because I was pretty tired but my mum said,go take a shower dear!

So thanks mum!

Okay so when I went there we sat on the couch and a couple of moms friends came.Some were new some were pretty old..

So when I sat on the couch a 10 year old kid sat beside me.

She had this blue maxi frock thing on, and was super cute with chubby cheeks and short hair!

So yeah.

So she kept talking how she studied and lived out of country in Dubai or something (but was originally from my country hey)  with her mum.

She also said how her best friends and neighbour was gen gene? I thought it was something gay or like lesbians..
I literally wanted to slap her about talking about that because she was being really rude about it until she explained they are people who don't eat garlic and onions...
And I was like O . o....

Like why are you telling me every single detail about your NEIGHBOURS am I your sister or a long lost friend or something? Wtf girl!?


There were a lot of foods pizza,sandwiches,fries (I can't remember anything else) oh yeah,spaghetti!!

So there was vegetable pizza but I thought it was chicken pizza and I took two pieces and I honestly regretted it afterwards..

You see it had this tomato,coriander onions and other crap and I hated it.

i literally took out all the tomato shit and just ate the cheese and crust...

Back to the ten year old I met lol.
So she was raving about where she lived the driving seats were at the left side and how they always wore seat belts and how we didn't wear them and our rules were too bad..

What the hell man?! Are you freaking insulting my country? She could insult I don't blame her or anything but she is from this country??

And then number 3 reason I hate her..Wait,don't LIKE her is that she has a smartphone...

She was literally asking me if I have one every second..

And she was like: "do your parents not allow you?"

An I was like: "no bitch! My parents do allow me but I don't wanna get one for some reasons and I have An IPad! Why would I want a phone?!"

Seriously this girl gets on my nerves..She's only 10. Spoiled rich kid.

I thought of finding her on facebook or on Instagram and make an online friend at first but! NO!

Also,I forgot about sunflower...She is really sweet and cool! She has braces and glasses btw and long hair.

She is quite nice I would have considered making friends with her but he's lives far Away!!... From where I live.

Also,I will be back to my real home in my real city so I will update even more frequently this book and my other story..

Okay guys I don't have the energy to type anymore on my Ipad and damage my eyes more cause I don't..

Also,if you don't know by the title and live under a rock I call these type of chapters diary vlogs.Them including what happend in my day like where I went.
If you like them I will try to make more and make them a bit funny.

Also you will be having one of these tomorrow maybe cause I will go shopping to this place..But maybe...
So tell me if you want more..
Also tell me any chapter ideas...I'm working on this new chapter of 20 facts about me since you're reading this book and may wanna know more about me..

Okay bye :) goodnight even though I will update this tomorrow cause the house I'm living in has a crappy wifi...!

So bye guys! :) peace out! x

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