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Trigger warning: don't not read If YOU LOVE HISTORY

So hey guys!

I'm currently trying to do my history homework and came up with a bunch of reasons why I hate History/my history teacher.

Ok so our History teacher always gives us the work we're supposed to do in our class.

Like bruh what.

I should like totally report it to someone.

And she DOESN'T even make us understand the whole thing.

So she gave us a question - what were the discoveries of early people.
And she made us mark inventions and I tried searching but there is NOWHERE in the book where we can find discoveries.

And one time we like I couldn't find the answer form the workbook and searched the Internet but she didn't accept it because it WAS NOT IN THE workbook.

Uhh what.

And like when she's angry she legit pops her eyes out and she looks so funny lmao.*eye emoji*

And why I hate History in general is that's it's useless why are we studying about a bunch of dead people.And a,y I quote from my book it says:

*runs over to bag*

"History teaches us to learn from the past,people who do not learn from History have to repeat it"

It's too long so I'm gonna explain it in my own words.
Like for example in world war 2 people did really bad things and we shouldn't repeat them.

Ok agree lol.

But then there's this point..

"History is interesting"

No it's not,don't argue with me.

It's like so so boring.

I legit don't understand what my teacher says. "Yada yada yada"

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