20 facts about me

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Hey y'all! So I decided to do write a chapter telling you guys 20 facts about me because I thought it would be interesting and you would get to know me better!

1. I like to sleep on my stomach
I don't know if I'm the only one who sleeps on my stomach but I cannot, for the life of me, sleep on my back.
Although I know it's really bad for your spine so yikes

2 . I do not know how to ride a bicycle
I was never into riding bicycles and was deathly afraid of falling down from them so I never learnt how to ride a two wheeler.Is that how you say it ...?

3 . I don't watch a lot of TV-shows but so far my favourite one would be 13 reasons why

4 . I speak 3 languages

5 . My favourite candy are jelly beans
So I had never tasted jelly beans before since they're only fake versions of them in my country but on my 11th birthday, I got gifted this box of jelly beans and I tasted one and literally fell in love. I really want some more now sigh

6 . My favourite genre of music would be pop

7 . I love memes
I'm also addicted to twitter and I think that explains why

8 . My favourite artists are One direction, Taylor swift, Ariana Grande and Little mix

9 . I have a serious obsession with quotes because other people are so much better at putting my feeling into words than I am

10 . I love the smell of rain
My dad once told me that the smell of rain was actually the soil in the air from all the wind so that's interesting

11 . I have dimples

12 . I hate sausages
Although I've never tasted them, they smell nasty and I can tell what food tastes like by the way it smells

13 . I love pizza
Honestly who doesn't

14 . I'm a brunette

15 . I wear glasses
And I got them by staying up till 3 a.m. every night on my phone in summer break whoops

16 . One of my bad habits would be that whenever I'm bored I eat

17 . I love rollercoasters
Although I always get nervous before going on them I love them, especially the adrenaline you get whenever you ride on them

18 . I'm an introvert and would much rather prefer staying at home except for when I'm going shopping lmao

19 . I keep a journal and it's full of quotes, dreams I've had, song lyrics etc.

20 . The longest I've ever gone without showering would be about 5 days, when I  was 9? maybe? In my defence, it was winter and I was too lazy to actually go shower, it's still really gross though.


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