What extra extra extra cheese pizza does to me

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hey guys! So I just got back from eating devil pizza and now I'm writing this but I'd probs post this later lol.

My family and I went to Pizza Hut for dinner today and it was all good and the place was packed like there were so many people.

Okay so them my sister was like 'let's order EXTRA CHEESE!"
Yes we had ordered extra cheese before,
Yes I know what it's like;heaven!!

But guys like this time they went a way to much and goodness the whole pizza layer was in cheese like even the bottom part.

So then we taste it...

but like after one piece I couldn't eat anymore and then my mum was like eat it.


so I know extra cheese is supposed to be 'heavenly' but like there was so much CHEESE.


AND GUYS I USALLy don't care about working out and losing weight coz I'm a preteen and lol a Kid.

But like I would have too go do runs with my mum soo.

Oh and I once read that to burn like a Big Mac and fries and soda you'd have to walk for like 7 hours :O

So that DOSENT help.

K bye.

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