Guess who's back?

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OMG guys, so f*cking sorry for going dark for almost a year! I am really, really sorry. Life hasn't been my best friend lately so i've been having some issues and family deaths that have made me hate humanity. Anyway, i'm back! I will be writing more on this story but hey, if you guys have any suggestion's for  a new chapter idea or something, feel free to comment :D



[Tony is online]
[Thor is online]
[Bruce is online]
[Steve is online]
[Loki is online]

Steve: *Hyperventelating*

Tony: Dude, calm down, its just a wedding

Steve: JUST A WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tony: yeah, i mean seriously, you'll be single in a year or me

Steve: *looks horrified*

Bruce: you're not helping

Tony: Was i supposed to?

Thor: *Muffling words*

Loki: Thor, get your face out of the cake!

Thor: :'(

Steve: I-I don't think i can do this!

Tony: yeah, probably not since Thor ate the wedding cake

Thor: HEY!

Loki: but you did.......hey why am i here if this is and AVENGER wedding?

Bruce: Your replacing Clint who dissapared off the face of the earth

Loki: so you weren't going to invite me?


Tony: Skylar payed us in Asgardian gold to make sure you didn't come though.....

Loki: You know she just spray painted-never mind -_-'

Steve: Okay.....okay....

Bruce: You can do it, you'll do fine

Tony: Trust me you will, but take it from a pro like me and it always works out the first two to three (And if you lucky...four) years

Bruce: again...Not helping!

Thor: How do you know?

Tony: i've done it five times

Bruce: Poor Pepper

Loki: can i leave?

Everyone: NO!


Bruce: Okay, its time to go on

Steve: But i'm not ready!

Thor: Don't make me dog pile you!

Loki:.....that doesn't make any sense

Thor: Brother....when have you known me to make sense in this midgardian world?


Tony: lets go!

*Five minutes later*

Loki: you need a towel?

Steve: Why do you ask?

Loki: Because you're sweating all over my tux! I look like a drowned cat!

Tony: AAAWWW, Loki knows what a cat is!

Loki: shut it Stark!

Steve: Okay, okay-ACK! THE MUSIC STARTED!

Bruce: you'll do fine Steve, trust m-THOR! GET YOUR  FACE OUT OF THE CAKE FOR THE LAST TIME!!!

Loki: Ugh....i have a feeling this won't end well....

 Thor: *Eating cake*

Tony: What makes you think that?

Loki: *Glares*  i have a sixth sense

Tony: a sixth sense about....what?

Loki: *Frowns* i just know something bad is going to happen

Tony: *Pats Loki's back really hard* Loki, Loki, Loki, we are the Avengers, what bad could possibly happen?


Tony: i'll try not to.

*ten seconds later (Lego movie style)*

Skylar: (whispering) I thought i told you guys not to let him in

Loki: (whispering) i feel offended on a number of levels now


Skyalr: (whispering) Hela! SSSHH

Natasha: i guess the guys were too whimpy to hold Loki back....have you guys seen Clint anywhere lately?

Skylar: why?

Natasha: no reason

Loki: *Coughing* Clintatsha *Coughing*

Natasha: say that ship name again and i will murder you!

Loki:....for a second i thought you said muster me...

Skylar: why would she muster you?

Natasha: Molest him?

Loki: WHAT NO! Muster me, like cover me in mustard, that yellow mortal thing that goes on-

Skylar: i don't think that's what muster-never mind

Loki: never mind what?

Skylar: nothing, nothing *sighs* your just naive

Loki: Oh i'm naive?

Natasha: if you guys haven't noticed, we are on our cell phones talking to each other while Steve and Taylor are saying their vows!

Skylar: its the twenty first century...i think...wait, is it?

Loki: we should probably log off now....

Skylar: awe sweet, you think i'll listen to you

Loki: *Glares*

Natasha: that's it, i'm logging off to listen to the damn wedding

[Natasha has logged off]

Skylar: what's here damn issue?

Loki: we are chatting during a historical wedding Sky, we should probably put these things dow-

[Deadpool has entered the chatroom]


Skylar: oh f*ck no.....

[Everyone has logged off]


A/N: well, hope you guys liked this chapter. Yes, Steve and Taylor got married but i felt lazy to write the whole it would be strange for them to chat their vows to each other. Anyway, hoped you liked my little surprise with Deadpool. Things are going to get random until it gets serious....some what. Eh, idk. Anyway please comment, vote and follow? Really? its this twitter? I prefered Fans but *Sighs*....never mind....

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