Surprise, surprise Mr. Stark!

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For those of u that have read the snow that melted the ice, i shall bring back an old rivalry. Anyway, this is really random (But not as random as the baby chapters...i think) anyway, enjoy and tell me what you think should happen next, i'm running out of ideas!


[Skylar is online]

[Natasha is online]

[Jarvis is online]

Skylar: k, Jarvis can you help me set that thingy up?

Jarvis: Um Ms. Sigyn-

Skylar: its Skylar

Jarvis: um yes, its not a 'thingy' its a banner

Natasha: Stark spangled banner! Lol

Skylar: *Winks and points finger* Nice

[Loki is online]

Loki: srry im late, your kid is freakinshly annoying

Natasha: So r u

Loki: I'd punch u if you weren't a girl

Skylar: Loki, can you blow up a couple of balloons please?


Natasha: Don't question it, we *Cough* *Cough* Skylar *Cough* have been planing Tony's surprise birthday party for weeks now so don't kill yourself by refusing her orders

Loki: And i care.......because? I don't even like Mr. Stark

Skylar: You will do it because if you dont i will cut off your-

Loki: Please don't go into detail Lady Sigyn, the parental monitors will shut down the systems if you do

Natasha: There's parental controls on this thing?!

Skylar: do not EVER call me that horrid name EVER!

Loki: Lady Sigyn?

Skylar: *Sighs* yes!

Loki: Well okay then, i am sorry Lady Sigyn ;D

Natasha: Okay we're almost finished up

[Pepper is online]

Pepper: Okay, do you guys think it was really necessary for me to call it quits with Tony and Stark in-

Skylar & Loki: Yes, yes it was

Pepper: *Sighs* okay then

Loki: lol, now that i think about it, that didn't make sense when you went to get the party decor Nat

Natasha: Wat ya mean?

Loki: You said, and i quote 'i have to get stuff for my sisters nephews party' which wouldn't that mean your son?

Natasha:............just help hang balloons.........

Loki: You think i am just going to-OW!

Skylar: Next time i shall stab you in the neck!!

Pepper: Skylar, calm yourself, if you don't i'll have to take all sharp pointy things away so you don't stab Loki in the arm again

Loki: Is blood supposed to be red or blue?

Natasha: Why?

Loki: cause i'm bleeding blue blood on my that bad?

Skylar: Oh god!


[Thor is online]

Thor: No, its normal, he's an ice hole remember, when its cold, his blood turns blue

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