Journey to the center of Wal-mart part 2

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*While Thor and Skylar were at wal-mart, Everyone else decied to relax.....for now*

[Avengers are online]

[Loki is online]

Bruce: What shall we do now

Loki: I'm bored!

Clint: theres like nothing to do!

Tony: *Sighes bored*

Natasha: I'm going to shoot myself i'm so bored

Steve: Come on guys, lets have a dance party

Loki: No, i don't dance

Clint: Same

Tony: I'm too tired

Natasha: No

Bruce: Anything else? 

Steve: We can reanact Hunger games! :D

Everyone: NO!

Steve: Aw.... :'(

Bruce: how 'bout we.......ugh, i'm so bored i can barley think!

Tony: same :'( I like being smart

Loki: Um........?

Clint: ikr?!

Natasha: Guys! How about we play a guessing game, like guess that Avenger!

Bruce: Might as well

Tony: I don't do guessing games, but since i'm bored i'll try

Loki: Wtf? Are we six?

Clint: yes, get used 2 it

Natasha: Okay so i'll go first, i'll give three clues and you guys guess which person i am thinking of-

Tony: CLINT!


Tony: What, she does

Natasha: Not right now dumbass, okay, so anyway who ever figures the person out first, gets to go next, K?

Clint: Yep

Bruce: Uhu

Steve: YEAH!

Tony: err-yes

Loki: I feel stupid -____-

Natasha: Okay, so this Avenger wears black, is a girl and is Russian

Loki: U, wtf, why did u do ur self!? This is stupid

Natasha: Now its ur turn!

Clint: (Whispering) I liked Nat when she wasn't this happy

Tony: (Whispering) Ikr? She's scareing me right now because of this

Bruce: (Whispering) Lolz

Loki: Ugh! Okay fine, i am and Avenger, i work for Nick Fury and have Blond hair


Bruce: It's Steve, Cause he's an Avenger who works for Nick and is blond

Tony: But so does Clint

Loki: Yes, but Clint has Dirty blond hair, not blond like Steve's

Tony:........ur the Devil....

Loki: Mr. Stark, that's not like it's a secret

Bruce: Okay, i am thinking of an Avenger who is really annoying-

Tony: LOKI!

Loki: *Glares*

Bruce: -who has black hair-

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