Mall Trip! Part 3- Broken hearted Ironman

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[Tony is online]
[Steve is online]

Steve: i feel wrong doing this...

Tony: Why?

Steve: Cause, i have Taylor.....

Tony: Dude, you haven't seen her in ages

Steve: its only been three months!

Tony: too long for me, i have to have a new chick every night or else i get bored

Steve: but i don't want to cheat on her :'(

Tony: Pft, please, she's probably moved on by now to another guy-

[Taylor is online]

Taylor: *gasp* STEVIE!

Steve: (Told ya') TAY, TAY!

Taylor: I haven't seen you in ages!

Steve: I know, i've just been busy with SHEILD stuff

Taylor: So what are you doing here at the mall?

Steve: well......Tony needs something and i was forced to help him

Taylor: What does he need help with?

Tony: i need a new chick to sleep with tonight.....i might say, you look nice for-


Taylor: Thank you Stevie!

Steve: *Blushes* its no problem

Tony: i can't be with Pepper, she's too uptight!

[Pepper is online]

Pepper: What did you say?!

Tony: i-um-i-i didn't mean it like tha-

Pepper: Oh, that's it Tony, i've scrimped and scrapped to make you into a better man and this is the thanks i get!? Well forget you i quit!


Pepper: Too late! I guess you better go find some one not as uptight as me!


[Pepper has logged off]

Tony: *Sniffs*

Steve: But you just said you didn't like her

Taylor: He's just going through emotional drama Stevie, he's had a troublesome childhood

Steve: -_____-' ugh, fine!

Tony: Now my only real worker has quit!

Taylor: Its okay, we'll find someone new.....There's plenty of fish in the sea

Steve: Yes, like blue tuna, Ocean salmon and-

Taylor: i mean girls honey

Steve: oh......oops O.O

Tony: It will never be the same every again!

Steve: Come on Tony, how 'bout we hook you up on a dating website or prank someone?

Tony: *Sniffs*

Taylor: Come on Tony, lets get you back to the Helicarrier and get you some ice cream and watch chick-flicks

Tony: I don't like ice cream

Steve: Frozen yogurt?

Tony: Yeah...*Sniffs*

Steve: okay, well go sit over there and lets wait for everyone else to finish shopping


[Tony has logged off]

Taylor: Poor Tony, all alone....

Steve: please, he'll get over it in a couple of days....

Taylor: We have to totally catch up!

Steve: oh yes, my room?

Taylor: *Giggles* Okay, but after everyone has come back

Steve: *sighes* fine.....

 [Everyone has logged off]

Tell me if u guys like StevexTaylor, comment Captain if u do and comment Hail if you want Tony to find someone new or comment Pepper if u want him to get back togther with Pepper, please comment too!

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