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High school Valentines day AU


Arthur jumped up as the bell rang, collecting his stuff and running out of the classroom.

Arthur hated valentines day, all of his friends were bombarded with valentines day gifts and presents and he always got nothing, not even a thing. He hated seeing the stupid cliché couples giving each other chocolates that probably taste like shit and flowers that will be dead the next day.

He sighed, walking down the hallway, keeping his eyes glued to the ground. He didn't even dare look up, because if he did, he would be looking at nothing other then stupid straight couples kissing and girls letting out stupid high-pitched giggles that are obviously fake and only used to make them seem less devilish.

He turned the corner, reaching his locker. He opened it, looking all around it. He found himself disappointed that he still had no notes, no love letters, nothing. He quickly recovered, calling himself a 'Silly wanker' for even getting his hopes up.

He looked over at Alfred, his crush sense like, 6th grade, and smile. His small soon turned to a frown when he spotted the group of girls that surrounded him, swarming him with chocolates and notes. Alfred was always popular on Valentines Day, sense he was tall, good looking, athletic, fit, funny, sensitive, and basically everything a girl- and some guys- looked for in a boyfriend,

"Yes, thank you thank you! Aw how cute! Thank you!" Arthur could hear Alfred thanking the girls as he was handed presents and slips of paper.

Arthur sighed, pulling out his books from his locker and shoving them in his backpack. As he swung his backpack over his shoulder and shut his locker, he saw a small red piece of paper on the ground.

"Sorry girls, I have to go, I'm meeting up with someone after school and I don't want to be late" Alfred informed the girls. Arthur groaned as they all pouted and let out loud obnoxious 'Aw's

Arthur brought his attention back down to the red note, which he assumed was dropped back the locker below him or next to him or someone just dropped it walking by. He bent down and picked it up.

He stood back up and looked over, seeing the girls had dispersed and went their separate ways, along with Alfred. Arthur sighed and began walking to the front of the school. He looked down at the note, flipping it over and looking for a name. He didn't find one so he decided just to open it, hoping there was a name on the inside.

"Dear Arthur Kirkland" read the top. Arthur stopped, pausing. Was this really addressed to him? Did he not see it fall out of his locker? As confused as he was, he continued to read.

"I really do hope that you do not have plans this afternoon. And in hopes that you do not, please meet me in the courtyard in the back of the school by the fountain" Arthur read in his mind. He looked even more lost, did someone actually like him?

Arthur sighed, "This is probably some stupid joke" He mumbles to himself. He was about to crumple the note an forget about the whole thing, but then he read who signed it off.

"Alfred" It read, with a small picture of an American flag by it, something that he always signed his name off with. Arthurs face flares up in a blush, stopping in the middle of the hallway. He sighed, folding up the note and pulling it nicely in his pocket.

He turned and walked back down the hallway he just had walked down, heading towards the back of the school. There was fear in him that this was just a sick joke and when he got there it would just be Francis and Gilbert there laughing at him, or nothing at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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