"Good, then you prepared for the questions," I answered. "OK, first, should Annabeth wear a skirt or a dress?"


"Fine. Next, will you be going to you're house afterwards?"

"Mom and Paul are out of town, so most likely, yes."

"So she should bring a pair of comfy clothes," I confirmed

"Well, I have shirts for her, so she only needs to bring pants,"

"Got it, that will help a lot with storage." I muttered to myself while I pondered over any remaining questions. "Um. . . oh! What time will you guys be back to camp, should she bring a change of clothes for the mourning?"

"I wouldn't think so, we're probably only staying to eat breakfast there,"

"Awesome, thats everything, thanks Percy," I waved at him before throwing Blackjack a cube from Percy's hand and leaving to go to the sword-arena-type-thing. 


I rushed back to the Aphrodite cabin to quickly take a shower and change before running over to the Athene cabin to help Annabeth with her clothing, hair and makeup. Of course, I grabbed some of my own clothes from the Aphrodite cabin that I thought would match well with where the date was being held and that would look good on Annabeth. 

Once there, I knocked on the door and Malcolm opened it. 

"Hey M, is Annabeth ready for me?" I inquired.

"She just got out of the shower, come on in," he smiled at me and opened the door wider.

"Thanks," I smiled back and walked to Annabeth's bad where I dumped all of the clothes and makeup I had brought. 

"Hey Jasp-  . . .woah, that a lot of stuff," she admired.

"Sure is, now we only have two hours, let's get going," I pushed her back into the bathroom along with my makeup kit and got to work.

Now I'll admit it, I thought I did an amazing job in the end, even if you stereotype that I'm a tomboy. Annabeth was wearing a red skater skirt with a long sleeved white shirt that had floral cut outs in the arms. She held a tiny black purse that contained her phone, lipstick, concealer, and a few extra bobby (Hehe, do you get it?) pins. She was wearing 3 inch white heals and red studded earrings with a red, white, and black bracelet. She had on natural makeup with a dark red lipstick on and some eyeliner. Finally, I put her hair in a bun with a few strands loose. She looked stunning.

"Wow," she sighed as she looked in the mirror. "Thanks so much for doing this, Jasper," she appreciated.

"Your welcome! Now shoo, he's waiting for you at Thalia's tree," I informed her.

"Thanks again," she smiled before running out the door. Or as fast as she could with those heels on. 

"DON'T MESS UP YOU'RE HAIR!" I called after her, laughing at house excited she was. Utterly exhausted, I crawled (not literally) to my cabin and got into bed. 

The next day around 10:00am, Percabeth came back to camp, and I literally dragged Annabeth away from him and took her to a spot in the woods. 

"Tell. Me. Everything." I demanded

She laughed. "Well first, he complimented me multiple times before taking my to that restaurant. We had an amazing meal and he payed for everything," 

"Like a true gentlemen," I interrupted 

Annabeth nodded. "Yes. Then we went back to house and he gave me a pair of leggings and a shirt of his for me to change into. Did you give him those leggings by the way?" I nodded in response and urged her to go on. "Um we watched The Lord of the Rings, and Nemo, and then we went to bed together. Today he and I made blue pancakes and orange juice, ate, and then came here." she concluded

"So romantic," I sighed, tilting me head.

"Oh my gods, Jasper, that new Hermes kid is so checking you out," Annabeth quietly whispered screamed. I secretly turned my body so I could see him and the minute we made eye contact, he looked away blushing. I had yet to learn his name, but I could already feel the sparks.

I smiled.

The End, yay! I have been working on this story forever and I'm happy in the way it came out. So, the next part I post is my 50th post, and instead of doing those two bigs parts like I said I would, I'm going to do a Christmas themed one. I'm so sorry for the people who suggested those idea's I promise I will put those parts in the story before it ends. Thank you, love you, and by! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)::):):):):):):):):):):):)

-Daughter of Poseidon 

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