(CLOSED) You Can Be In The Story (CLOSED)

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Hey guys! Sorry this isn't an update, but I just wanted to let you know that if you want to be in the story, you can be! Just comment down bellowing answering the following Questions.

Name (if you don't feel comfortable using your own name you can make something up):



type: (demigod, mortal):

If demigod, who is your godly parent ( major and minor gods):

Who do you have a crush on (percy, Annabeth):

If you don't want to have a crush on anyone, and want to be their friend, who is it? (Percy, Annabeth):

Do you want to have a happy ending:

If you do want to have a happy ending what is his/her name:

There you have it. Remember, If i do pick you then i will most probably make you a little meaner then you actually are. You shouldn't take any offense from it, cause you are perfect just the way you are. Love you and by!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

-daughter of Poseidon

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