Eros gave a sad face, almost feigned in appearance, and replied, "It's not good. It looks like he still thinks he's a Dratini."

Cerci gave a small frown. Although she didn't really like Hank, she did feel bad about causing this. "Anything I can do?"

Eros looked away, saying, "He hasn't responded well to anything, really. Kind hard to understand what will trigger him. It looks hopeless, unless..."

After a short pause, Cerci asked, "Unless what?"

"Well... He was really hitting on you before, right? Considering how obsessed he is with you... Maybe a kiss from his lover could help."

Cerci stared at Eros, who was still looking away. "Are you serious? Do you really expect me to kiss him?"

Eros snapped his head to look at Cerci, staring gravely into her eyes. "You caused this, and that's pretty much our last hope. What you do is up to you."

Cerci stared at the wall for a moment, attempting not to look at Eros. She knew what she had to do, despite how corny or flowery, to save Hank; And but a moment later, she trudged to the room in which Hank lied. She found him just as before, lying on his back with arms to the side.

She stood over him, observing the boy on the ground. She didn't think him particularly handsome, despite he had enough looks to become a star at the Contest Spectacular. She couldn't think of anything besides what kind of messed up diseases he must have, or what drugs he always did, or whatever else she could think of to make herself feel disgusting. None the less, what had to be done had to be done.

She knelt to the ground, ever closer to the revolting maggot she despised so much. He did look peaceful in his sleep, although... He had an odd look to him... Cerci started thinking of all the disgusting things she could again, including how she was around eighty to ninety years older than him. Did he know that? Or did he ignore that? It would be best to just make this quick. She looked over his head, guessing that a quick peck on the forehead would be the least intimate-

Suddenly, as she leaned in, a hand came from her side, grabbing onto her shoulder. Hank sat up in a flash, closing the foot of distance without a pause and kissing Cerci right smack in the middle of the lips.

Hank lied back down, resting in the same pose as before. Cerci stared blankly for a few seconds, seeing a small grin across Hank's face. Cerci simply slapped him across the face, evoking no response, and walked out.

What the hell? Cerci was appalled, to say the least. She despises every part of what happened. Was Eros in on it? No doubt. Hank? Of course. But, as she felt Hank grab her on the shoulder and play his foul plot... She felt some kind of burst or fire within, as some kind of emotional outburst took place. She was furious at Hank, and yet...

Sicily was rubbing her head against the wall. "Damnit, Eros..." While Cerci was gone, Eros got the bright idea of seeing just how effectively Sicily's amulet worked. She knew it was all in good will, but Eros kept on messing around with Sicily by sneaking about and tackling her all day. She grew annoyed pretty quickly, but Eros caught on that it wasn't that funny and stopped soon after. However, what Eros did to her now was unspeakable. Kinda.

Eros found an old can of peanut butter and decided to place a bit on Sicily's upper nose face thing when she wasn't looking. She was able to lick about half of it off, but the rest remained out of reach for her. She tried bending her freakish neck down and wiping it off with her short little arms, yet her limb was much to short to reach it. It was humiliating to walk around with peanut butter on her face, especially when she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

Hence, she was in her room, wiping her head against the wall and plotting a way to get back at Eros, while being justified. She was mostly clean of any food, save a little bit of oil and some spots. She couldn't really think of anything to do to Eros, considering it wasn't really in her nature to scheme this way. However, it didn't take long for her to scheme an evil plan. Not only an evil plan, a wretched, twisted, grinchy and stinky plan; And to top it off, her necklace would help her pull it off...

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