I chuckled a little and sat studying him while he stared out the window still chewing his gum. I wondered what thoughts were going on in his head. I wondered what kind of battle he was having in there with how he felt. Not just for me, but with everything he was going through.

He was a lot different than I had imagined he would be when he opened up to me. He was so sensitive, gracious, and gentle. That was the real Harry Styles; a boy who had been hurt by people, but hadn't allowed those people to crush his spirit.

He caught me looking and smiled, "yes?"

"Nothing," I replied shrugging, "you're just beautiful."

He smiled, "are you gonna say that every day?"

"Most likely," I nodded, "someone needs to remind you that every day."

His dimples shown as he placed his hand over mine, "you're amazing."

"So are you," I whispered, "you're... you're so different than I expected."

"How so?" He asked.

"I... I didn't expect you to be so sensitive," I admitted, "you have such a gentle soul."

He smiled a little and looked away, "remember when I said feelings ruin everything?"

I nodded and listened.

"Yeah, well, that's what I meant," he said softly, "I'm... I'm too passionate about things sometimes. I let things hurt me when I shouldn't."

"I like you how you are," I whispered to him, "because you have a huge heart in there. And you truly care."

He turned back to me, "I do, yeah. I care about a lot of things."

I nodded as the pilot came over the speaker to announce our departure. Harry broke out his phone and headphones, putting one in my ear and one in his smiling at me. I gripped his hand a little and sat back.

We were over the clouds several minutes later, headed to my hometown. And I was sharing this experience with him; the boy with the curls dangling on his shoulders as he sat chewing his gum and staring out the window smiling the entire time. He was so happy.

When we landed, Harry rented a car for us, though I tried to allow him to let me pay. He insisted though so I agreed.

He stayed quiet for most of the drive, until he asked for the right directions.

"You were supposed to turn there," I laughed pointing to the street behind us.

"Why didn't you say so?" He asked, sounding frustrated.

"I did, but you thought it was the next one," I replied.

"Fuck," he mumbled and turned around.

"I told you, curly," I grinned.

"Oh, fuck off," he sighed.

"We sound like a married couple," I laughed out.

He finally smiled, "we do actually."

I couldn't stop thinking about how easy this was; it seemed like we just clicked, just like that. He was still a bit of a mystery to me but now that I had gotten to know the real him, I felt like our connection was just natural.

We finally turned down my old street and Harry pulled out some pills and swallowed them.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine," he stuttered, "I'm just... nervous."

I smiled and pointed to my drive, "here, love."

In My Dark Times - The Deal With The DemonWhere stories live. Discover now