Harry found his sunglasses on the dresser and slipped on his boxers.

He stood quiet beside me as I handed him the joint.

"Niall said they're going to breakfast," I started, "do you want to go?"

"Honestly, no," he sighed, "much rather stay in bed. Not really in a mood to go out."

"Alright, if you wanna rest, I'll cook," I offered.

He looked at me smirking, "you're going to cook for me?"

"Well, yeah, I'm decent at it."

Harry smiled and nodded, "ok, I'll take you up on that, then. Just make sure it's an omelet. No toast. Maybe a bagel."

I laughed, "got it. Anything else?"

"Coffee," he grinned beautifully and took another hit of the joint.

"I'll make sure to put on a fresh pot," I nodded.

He bit his lip as he smiled, "want to go swimming?"

"What?" I asked, "is it even warm enough?"

"It'll be alright. It's heated anyways."

"Sure, ok," I smiled, "are the lads staying out all day?"

"I can find out," he winked at me and handed the joint back.

I finished my cigarette and headed downstairs after Harry had.

"Liam has plans with Sophia," Zayn was saying, "uh, I'll be out for most of the afternoon. I don't know about Niall."

"I'll be with Mel," he spoke up from the kitchen, "we're heading out to a party across town."

"Ok, well, Lou and I are gonna stay here," Harry glanced at me, "just hang out all day."

"Ok," Zayn smiled, "you two have fun."

"You two are so cute," Niall smirked over at us.

I smirked as Harry smiled a little, "I'm gonna go shower. You guys be careful."

Harry went back upstairs while I went to the kitchen to find some food to make him.

"You're cooking for him?" Niall laughed while I pulled out a pan.

"I offered to," I replied.

"He's lucky to have you, ya know," he said quieter, "at least you seem like you care. Genuinely care."

"I do," I turned to him, "I care a lot actually."

"He needs that," Niall nodded, "see you boys later, alright?"

"have fun," I said smiling.

"Hey, you two try not to have too much fun," Zayn smirked at me, "if Darren stops by, tell him to fuck off."

"I plan on it actually," I said.

"Harry's known him a long time... the guy thinks Harry exists to please, "he said lowly, "I've told Harry a million times he needed to get rid of the psycho."

"I think he will," I looked back at him, "I think he's nearly ready to."

Zayn smiled, "glad Harry talked to you, Louis. He needed someone like you. See you after while."

I smiled as Zayn and Niall left and I continued to make breakfast.

I was finishing up the omelets when he came strolling in the kitchen in nothing but his light blue boxers, his wet hair all over his face. God, he was something.

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